Friday, November 30, 2012

Cause and Effect ?

Cause and Effect ?

A sequence of rocks on Mars, X Y and Z, if the imaginary time arrow passes through them then they become a sequence of causes and effects (but then just extend the sequence to up to your car tire and then X causes your tire, or your tire may be made up of X, or you can even include the idea of reductionism, everything is composed of everything else, the car tire is made up of Z then Y then X, or any other mixture and other random design the imaginary and very real time arrow makes, make it make a wild design crossing all possible items, each is made up of the other (ever smaller, or even ever bigger, the small item is made up of the big item, if you look at the small item under the microscope you will find the big item, the rock Y under the microscope gives you the car tire, and the car tire under the microscope gives you a star and so forth), X causes Y causes Z, etc. But then if the time arrow changes direction from Z to X, then the opposite is also true, and if the time arrow makes a circle and hits on other rocks, and if the time arrow becomes wide and includes many items concurrently, simutaneously, causes and effects, all mixed up or indeed very precise (but very precise, infinite precision only for an Ultra Mind that understand this type of style), but especially the cause is not a point like event but the entire rock, in parallel causes the other rock, but then all items, just by being in parallel can cause all other items, they are just associations, any painting or picture that has all of the items in it means that those items are associated by an Observer delimiting them and associating them, hence they imply the presence of one itme (no I meant "item", or "time" ? how I love wrongly spelled words, they make all the sense of an idea go out of the windw (window ? or is that a new concept trillion s of times more complex and abstract then ever ?), the (they ?) always expose the truth, how untruth and iun invetnion (inventions ?) all is.) means the presence of another, but you can have a parallel to serial converter (or serial to parallel converter, history all written down in paralle at once, all the events become a solid item, one after another and you can visit them, the events and story become a landscape to visit, no more time here, now it is all available (the myth of the past and the future dies finally!)), an existence to events converter and organize the items as a succession of events, as a series of causes and effects, but you can confuse the causes and events and which is which, and you can have very vague causes (but are they just associations, just items next to each other that make you think they are a cause and effect and a functioin of time ?) you can have completely atomized causes where nothing causes all and all causes nothing and everything in between etc. and very vague mixtures, ever more vague, impossible to understand, mix and confuse and make incoherent, and then make them all infinitely precise and so forth, you get the message...

And then extend to include wide parallel time, a volume of time causes a volume of Mass Energy, but it is impossible to follow how, since we invent how, or just mix and redefine all, the rock is TIME and the car tire is SPACE, then what is the transistor in that TV set of 1966 ? and extend and invent, projections ultra abstractions and so forth...


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Secret Formula...

Re: Free Physics (like Free Jazz)

Postby nameta9 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:26 pm

Secret Formula...

Two numbers: 4.677.8 78.997 the formula that predicted those numbers was composed of a rock on Mars, a mountain on earth, an electron in the center of a star, and 6 events, a cloud that blew through the air on earth 4 million years ago, a car that moved 10 miles now, a rock that will be thrown 500 years from now, and a photon emitted from an atom 2 billion years from now from a star 1 billion light years away (actually the precise time is 2454756709 years from now, and 21 days and 12 months and 2 hours and 4.5467787 seconds) a small wind on venus 5,000 years from now, an earthquake on earth that happened 200 years ago. And there are other formulas, other combinations, other mixtures creating 2 or 3 or millions of numbers, all mixed up time wise, past present and future is irrelevant, the positions in space are irrelevant, there are many wild formulas, many connections, and all disconnected, and so forth. And the two numbers above predict the ocean wave yesterday, the two numbers may also predict the moon, or a stellar plasma, and so forth. And you can mix numbers and predictions and formulas and so forth, all upside down, the numbers are the formulas, the formulas are the numbers and the rocks are predicting the numbers (change the arrows, the cause and effects, rocks -> numbers or numbers -> rocks and so forth), but the numbers are predicting the electrons (so to say, I am thinking of Ultra Abstractions and Ultra Creations, Ultra Inventions and such, Ultra Constructions trillions of times past what even these words seem to say, I am so far out and so far away, I have effectively exited this puny universe and this puny Man Brain and so forth).




The prediction itself occupies Mass Energy, Space and Volume, the prediction itself is an event, is an interaction, so there is a prediction that predicted that there would be a prediction relative to some item, entity, event, some need to know some information related to reciprocal items and events for some Observer, like the Observer wanted to predict the exact poistion of a small rock on Mars after a small wind moved it: in order to have the exact position he applied the infinite determinism equations of physics to determine the point where it will stop, and use the formulas and initial positions and such, etc. But the formulas (giant sized formulas, where a simple variable is a planet, and such) themselves occupy space and write over other items that were predicted by other formulas, hence there is a prediction of a prediction, an infinite recursion of predictions predicting each other and themselves and so forth. And what if the electron wants to predict the position of an atom in a star that is 100 million light years away from it, from a given time to 5 hours later, given that the atom is undergoing movements by the hot stellar plasma inside the star ? and what if the electron wants to use planet sized symbols and numbers (numbers that have a design and style that to write them down you need an entire planet, just because, because the electron likes to use large characters and symbols so it is easy for the electron to read it, or numbers that in order to be expressed need an entire planet, there is no other way to show them and design them, what new weird numbers, special numbers, numbers that must be made up of things in order to express themselves, semiabstraction, a mix between abstract and concrete, but what I mean is way more far out and abstract then wnat you are reading or thinking what I mean, and I keep going on with more and more abstractions, impossible to understand concepts, only my Ultra Mind understands them, all of you puny, fairy humans will never reach my infinite level), or the planet itself is the formula, the rocks are numbers and the entire ordeal is predicting numbers, random numbers written by a random will power and so forth.

And what if any two numbers correspond to any two rocks, and every number is a new Mass Energy entity, and so forth, predictions that self replicate and such. And if 3 represents the number 3, then what number does a rock represent ? as usual, project extensions, abstract extensions and so forth, 3 is number 3, 4 is the sky, the rock is something else and so forth, and add them all up and so forth, wild formulas and so forth, everything mixed and confused, the more confusion and mixing, the more surprising relationships and unknown mysterious relationships the better.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Programmers and "Hard Work"

Re: No Work? Make Work!

Postby nameta9 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:43 pm 

I was reading about programmers working 60 hours a week or more, start up companies with kids (young programmers), programmers working crazy hours, the weekend and such. Are they crazy or what ? Are they completely out of their minds or what ? do they actually even know what on earth they are doing ? I find that incredible, unbelievable that there are so many "smart programmers" apparently that just waste hours on end on programming code, something that has absolutely no relationship at all with the "amount of time doing it", no relationship at all "with effort put in" and such. Programming seriously simply means finding the right algorithm, the right description to solve a generalized problem, just like mathematics, it is simply an intellectual endeavor and has absolutely nothing at all to do with the absurd concepts of "hard work" and "long working hours" and all such BS of making believe that you are working hard and putting in so much effort for something that has no relationship at all with this aesthetics of "hard work" of "long hours", the great show and showoffs of "working hard" (comic book stuff!), all of this insanity as if the programmers are third world farmers that have to put in "sacrifice" and "long hours" and "pressure" to "produce" and such.

But there is a reason for all of this: the less real work that is necessary for a society to operate and produce what it really needs, the more fake work is produced, the more fake work (pretending that it is necessary and real like all of the emergencies companies constantly have, the job must be done by tomorrow and such huge BS) is multiplied, the more problems are created, manufactured, fabricated by corporations and bosses and a whole host of idiotic stone age assholes that have to do everything possible to make the programmers work badly, to burn them out, to fool them, in short to kill all the real huge productivity programming and computers and smart programmers could really have on an advanced Technological Economy. So you have absurd deadlines, specifications that are always changing, badly written programs (but the worse they are written, the better, so you can keep ever more programmers correcting huge botches of crappy code that just gets worse and worse and the bosses put more and more pressure for it to be out by tomorrow creating a never ending host of more fake work, more effort, more failures creating ever more crap work, ever more trash and so forth and everyone is happy with a huge boatload of crap) constant emergencies and one nighters, constantly keeping all the programmers and other similar types, engineers and such in a state of emergency, of impotence, of being under the thumb of unknown mysterious "market forces" (when in all truth it is just a subjective idiotic way of creating fake hard work for the sake of occupying as much time as possible to make the show of hard work and how much they then "deserve" a raise or promotion when in all truth they are doing huge negative work and wasting huge amounts of time and money pretending to work while they are all just spinning their wheels like crazy, and the kicker is that they all really believe it, they all really believe in all of this huge BS!). Look at Microsoft with their Windows Vista, after years of programming and hard work they turned out a turd, how is this possible ? how is it that they are so stupid ? aren't they the best graduates ? and what possible improvements has windows had since windows 95 ? very few after 20 years and billions of dollars and millions of man years of "programming". What assholes. And no one asks why: well because we have very little real work left to do as a society so we invent fake work that creates a negative result, the creates less than what we had before spending billions and millions of man hours of "programming".

Case in point, most of any and all programming problems could be sovled by not more than 10,000 blocks of highly efficient generalized code, this would require at most 1,000 man years, but man years of work where the programmer works mearly 2 hours a day and thinks out how to design really top notch generalized efficient programs that can be used over and over again and such. And obviously, the programmers should be pretty good in logic and mathematics and understand how to really write serious code and such (no one nighters here, no overtime here, no make believe hard work here, just pure brain power and serious thoughts). So that would require maybe some 400,000 man hours in all, could be done by the best 1,000 programmers by a single serious company that doesn't want to waste time on the big show of making believe they need hard work and such BS. It would cost maybe 10 billion dollars top.

What we have globally, as a society instead is 20 years of a million programmers wasting 1500 hours a year, some 20 billion man hours and some 300 billion dollars to produce nothing but hard work, stress, long hours and such BS and crappy software and a never ending host of problems that generate ever more problems in a self mutiplying effect, in autogrowth mode.

Compare the price by a society: 300 billion dollars against 10 billion dollars, or 20 billion man hours against 400,000 man hours. This is the exact measure of EXCESS CAPACITY, of the need to produce negative productivity, the need to create destructive useless work to saturate all of the excess capacity that the system really has. We need to kill the productivity a Technological Economy really has because we are still guided by a stone age "hard work" ritual that mean nothing but is imposed by subjective will powers that simply can't imagine a world without all of this huge BS of hard work.

Instead what we really need is FREE SALARIES; huge public and private projects like space exploration, trillions of skyscrapers, trillons of cars, technologies, a never ending array of projects and advances, hobby factories, bus lines, high speed trains all across the world, and conquer other planets, and trillions of people, research, the future, science and new brain designs, crack open skulls and shove wild symbols and chemicals inside new brains that think differently and new cyborgs. New instant singularities going towards the future, etc. all the stuff I always wrote about. And get rid of the resource scarcity tree hugging green myths, we need to go forward not backward.




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Prediction part 2

Re: Free Physics (like Free Jazz)

Postby nameta9 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:05 pm
Who or what predicts the prediction ? what predicts the prediction ? and the prediction of the prediction and so on, the prediction itself occupies Mass Energy and is defined by an abstraction by a Mind Brain - Observer, etc. And if the prediction is expressed by a planet that predicts just a short path of an electron, then you can use an entire universe to predict just a small rock on Mars, just where the wind will blow it and such. And if the two rocks on mars are a representation of a prediction of two numbers on earth ? and if an entire planet is the number expressing a number ? and if it is all put upside down ? the rocks are the numbers, the numbers are what must be predicted and the mountains are the formulas and so forth, all upside down, all conected to all in the most wild ways. An ocean of numbers that are predicted by stars and planets ? and so forth, all of the limits and so forth...


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You are extracting something from context in order to predict "IT", whatever "IT" is, as "IT" is a delimitation, a part of something else, a number that connects a property of something to something else, to some other idea, word, relationship, to some other item, as we predict the evolution of items, how they flow from one item into the next, the succession of events, the succession of configurations, of combinations, the next configuration of bits, the next design of symbols, one after another and your prediction jumps past all the intermediate steps and zeros in on the final step (but which is the final ? which is the start and end ? the goal ? the target ? so then you already predicted your prediction ahead of time by assigning the target ahead of time and just making it up, inventing it, creating it, forcing it in the end, as all of our predictions are mostly related to gears and engines, to machines, to mechanisms that we already designed in our mind, hence not "Natural" but "Fake" and "Make Believe From the Beginning").

And where does the number start and the item end ? how does the number flow into the item ? how are they separated ? a continuous flow of numbers becoming items becoming events becoming symbols and becoming once again Mass Energy, an item, a chunk of Matter and such.

The opposite of infinite reductionism is infinite unrelatedness, everything is completely unrelated to anything else, everything 100 % disjoint, a new invention. And predicting the unrelated is assigning the prediction from the outset. The organic molecule of biology already knows how it will fold, already predicted its future, already knows how it will be, how it operates, so the item contains its future and past within itself... stability and instability, stability needed as a reference point to measure the unstable, to define something that is unknown and must be predicted...but the prediction itself is another item, is another entity, so prediction (in the form of numbers and formulas or whatever) is something that implies that it itself must be stable, an invariant, but a prediction itself is being assigned stable and invariant arbitrarily, it is being delimited from its environment to become something separate from the environment, but who or what defines the separation ? how do we divide ?


Justifications for Free Physics



Re: Free Physics (like Free Jazz)

Postby nameta9 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:57 am 
Justifications for Free Physics

1) Infinite reductionism, since everything is made up of everything else (an electron is composed of a universe at a smaller scale, it contains an entire universe, and that universe contains electrons that contains other universes all the way down forever, for infinity etc. and all of the possible combinations of universes are expressed, etc.) then anything is the cause of anything else, all possible causes and effects as expressed as relationships between any two items at all at any point in space and time at any size level, any delimitations etc. (so a rock present on Mars a billion years from now, and a coin in ancient Rome that fell on the floor are the cause for the transistor breaking on that TV set in 1966, and such, all items can be combined and related and all possible causes and effects imagined and invented and forced without the need to respect space or time or logic or sizes or anything as in Free Physics as in Free Jazz, you get the idea...).

2) Everything is just a configuration of Mass Energy expressing a combination of particles, of information chunks, as in time travel and going back in the past and living at the same age as your father and such, since there is no need for logical coherence in that the old style time travel imposed the impossibility to be before you were born by imaging some kind of metaphysical constraint that imposed Mass Energy to be organized in successive obligatory steps, whereas it is now known that there is no obligation for Mass Energy and Information configurations to obey any coherence at all, the coherence was just a metaphysical ghost that was never necessary, so now you can be 20 years old and talk to your father who is 20 years old simultaneously since you and your father are just a given arbitrary combination of Mass Energy, a given configuration of Information Relationships that have no obligation to be be coherent or respect an imaginary history, an imaginary imposed succession of events, etc. So even the memories of the two persons and all of the universe as they see it is just a configuration of information in their minds imposing imaginary causes and effects and an imaginary history (but it is all just a memory that has been written to, it is all just a combination of bits in minds imposing an imagined history as history is just a set of bits, a succession of recorded events without any metaphysical or deeper meaning than just simply bits written to memories, with no further reality than just an arbitrary set of bits written to memories, so you can write any other set of bits and they are just as real, etc.).

So given that any time travel is possible in that any configuration of Mass energy or Information Relationships representing any time travel to an observer according to what he knows and sees and thinks (going back to New jersey in 1950 for example is exactly the same thing if it is all simulated, if the configuration of Mass Energy corresponding to how New Jersey was in 1950 is exactly replicated, exactly copied, etc., but even more so, if only the Information Relationships as perceived by the Observer is exactly the same, if the resulting experience and perception is indistiguishable from the "real" thing (whatever "real" means anyways since real doesn't really exist)), then any relationship at all between items, any Information Relationship can be always forced, invented, simulated, replicated, no matter how incoherent and far out just like any time travel can be created, invented and made real, nay, even more real than real, if real is 100 you can make it a trillion, hence trillions of times more real and such.

So then any two numbers can be decomposed into a set of invented relationships predicting why those numbers are such (just invent it, lie like crazy, be as dishonest and full of lies and full of BS as possible, don't respect the truth, the truth has always been the real lies...) anything has been predicted as prediction is already implicit in the stability of any item, any stability means that a degree of prediction is always already achieved by matter itself) and then why so much importance on prediction anyways (to be on top of the rules ? to avoid problems and such ? but you can assign all problems solved and all predictions you make as true anyways and always win 100 % anyways).



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Monday, November 12, 2012

imaginary fake world

Re: Can Computers Think?

Postby nameta9 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:12 am
From: ... event.html

"You may not have read a lot of my postings, because if you did, you would have seen that my primary concern IS the potential collapse of our civilization, particularly at this time when we stand on the threshhold of marvelous advances in computer processing, medicine and physics. I can see in my mind's eye what our lives could be like if we were to continue to advance, and to possibly lose that breaks my heart."

Only what is actualized is real: what is imagined, remains imagined and doesn't exist until it becomes real. But alas, you think, as most do, that forcing things to go in a direction, imagining the causes and effects and interacting with them will lead to a final (never is there any final, only temporary configurations that last a moment only to be erased and substituted with another temporary configuration, all of them equal, irrelevant, worthless or worth anything you want (especially according to how it affects your pain/pleasure circuits and such (and most pain/pleasure is mental and logical, is expectations denied, comparison of the "imagined and desired world" with "what ends up being", is the future as imagined it would have and "should have" been denied, hence the pain, self inflicted useless pain provoked by an imaginary fake world that didn't come to be (but who on earth ever said that it should have been in any way at all ?!?!?)))) desired configuration: nothing further from the truth, it works sometimes, maybe often, but often doesn't, it is pure random, chaotic, with no direction, only an imaginary world made up of what we imagine we would like: the future is an imaginary world that doesn't exist and which you have virtually no control over in the end: and the same with the past, it is an imaginary world with which you have no control of what happened (only to regret and make believe you could have done it differently or it could have been different, when different may have even been, but maybe even much worse, etc. only to torture yourself with all the regrets, the "broken heart" of what was "supposed to be", (but there is nothing that was ever supposed to be anything, since nothing is controllable, nothing exists, only what happens randomly, casually, chaotically exists and only the moment it exists, etc.)).

On a side note: the entire idea of worldwide economic growth is doomed in the long run, no matter what the economists say since there is no way you can create 200,000 new jobs a day needed worldwide (even taking into account fake jobs like office politics and constant human interaction blowing hot air, health care crap and education crap and such and even considering those not more than 10,000 new jobs a day needed for real work like construction and factories and in the meantime many thousands are optimizing and using technology to hose all the real work needed anyways), etc.(for a puny 3% growth a year, go figure) and there is no way large swaths of populations in the emerging or third world can become rich if their housing costs are totally insane, they don't have a chance to buy or rent a typical middle class house as the USA did in the 60s, hence worldwide economic growth is another fairy tale destined to be denied by the facts and also because most of the world doesn't have the room or space for the cars and malls and for people to buy loads of stuff from the all the malls (they don't have anyways) like in the USA...

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

cinderella crazy

cinderella crazy


ocean of numbers...

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the creep part 2


Hi friends,
I would like to start with Searle thought experiment – The Chinese Room Argument.
It raises some very important and fundamental questions which are inclined more towards metaphysics instead of artificial intelligence that’s why I thought that I should include and discuss it right this moment because of its relativity with the current topic.
Searle proposed an imaginary situation in which he is in closed room having two slots. One Chinese slips in a paper through one slot written a question on it in Chinese language. Searle does not understand Chinese himself but he has a library inside the room containing all types of the books about Chinese characters. He matches the Chinese symbols written on the paper with the books available in the room, finds the answer, writes it in Chinese by copying same as appearing in the books and slides it through the second slit. The Chinese man reads the answer and founding it perfect, he (Chinese) assumes that the person, inside the room, is well versed with Chinese though Searle himself does not understand even a single letter of Chinese.
Searle argued against strong AI saying that mere a successful programming of any system is not sufficient enough to call it intelligent even if that system is able show some results similar to human mind. Although he accepts the state of weak AI to some extent but very rigid in his stance that mental phenomena could not produced by computer programming. He further stated that brain causes minds and minds cause consciousnesses. There are endless arguments both in favor and against the Searle. It is so pervasive that even a book is not enough to cover it all so the single line abstract of the Searle’s argument is that machines do not think and understand no matter how advanced and sophisticated we made them and I agree with his conclusions in the broad sense though my reasoning is slight different.
In my opinion the Chinese room argument is much bigger issue than it appears on the surface. This thought experiment asks what the definitions of knowledge, brain, mind and consciousness are and how all these work. We have to understand two things before analyzing Searle argument; KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION. I feel that sometimes we tend to overlap both of them.
This phenomenon is very important and needs to be understood very carefully. Let me take an example. Every mathematician is familiar with Pythagoras theorem of a2 + b2= c2 and he uses it to solve problems. He can carry on successfully from this theorem further inventing many new theorems but his knowledge is incomplete just because of a simple reason that he has borrowed Pythagoras theorem and many other established formulas for his work without going through the process of inventing those so the effort and pain taken by his predecessors is missing from his experience.
I want to make this issue clearer by using very common and easy examples. There are many cases in our daily life in which we experience knowledge even without noticing it. Let us take colors for instance. If we ask a five year child to explain the blue color, what will be his answer? We all know that he has the knowledge and understanding of blue color but he would not be able to explain it. The explanation of blue color is equally difficult for adults just because it needs to be seen or experienced. There is no other way of knowing it. Furthermore, it is one of those types of knowledge that do not have any counterpart in our world so one would not be able to explain it to anyone else through an example. This is what I would like to call knowledge. It is not transferable because words cannot describe it.
A blind man by birth cannot understand how blue color looks even if the wisest person in the world spends his whole life explaining because due to the lack of visibility, the blind man will only get information not knowledge. There are numerous examples of this phenomenon in our daily life. Without experiencing the whole process one can get only information and we generally misunderstand information with knowledge in day to day life.
Knowledge is complete phenomenon while information is only an abbreviation of end result.
The great Einstein formulated general theory of relativity first but he was not able to explain gravitation at that moment. Sometime later he tried to cope it with the concept of cosmological constant but could not succeed. Then, after 15 years since general relativity, he became able to come up with the solution in the form of curved spacetime and general relativity. In that span of 15 years, Einstein must have thought of numerous solutions, would have examined them from different angles and then negated them for one reason or the other. At last he gave the right version. Now, one can think that he or she knows relativity but it is not true as we have not gone through the process. We do not know those endless ideas those used to pop up in the mind of that great scientist. We do not know on which grounds he rejected all of them. We are only familiar with the appropriate version but he knew all the unfit versions also besides the right one so his understanding and knowledge had covered much more space in comparison of a person who knows the end result only.
A truth, even if it is truth, is never complete for the sake of knowledge, until and unless one does not know what is not truth.
Let us assume that we know that a work could be done or a problem could be solved in a certain way and we can say that is a truth or fact. So, it could be said for sure that for each and every way other than the right one is not the appropriate way and this saying is also truth or fact. Hence, we must understand that there are two types of facts; positive facts and negative facts. The number of negative facts will always much larger than the positive facts as we all know that there could be endless ways of doing a work wrongly while the proper way is only one but one could not know the all wrong ways unless and until he tries for the right way. Knowing the wrong ways is equally important otherwise we miss almost all other facts and left with only one which is the right version. So, we see that knowledge is not just a single truth but it comprises of endless facts and those could be acquired only if we go through the process.
Hence, the process is more important than the result even if it (process) is not fruitful.
I also want to put it mathematically because we often tend to believe more in numbers than the text in today’s scientific world. Einstein took 15 years to reach the end version. 15 years means 5475 days or 782 weeks or 180 months. Given the versatility of that genius, we can safely assume that he got at least one idea in a month if not more and negated it in his mind. It means that he would have thought of 179 more ways of postulating the theory. In other words, we can say that he knew 179 wrong and one right version. Even if we take the most conservative approach by picking only one idea in a year, his knowledge stands at 15 times more than the others. So there is absolutely no comparison between the information and the knowledge.
Information is just a drop of the ocean of knowledge.
Now let us talk about the machines. In my opinion, there is no fundamental difference between super sophisticated computer which can beat world chess champion and a simple calculator. The basic problem with the computers is that they are open only to the information. There is no way of enriching them with the process of learning. The entity which is required to go through the process of learning is intellect or mind and without it acquiring knowledge is not possible. The functions and outputs of any other system other that mind are limited to the extent of the information supplied to it. All physical informative systems work on a very simple give and take rule. They just return or show what we feed them; not less not more. Although sometimes it appears that they are able to think, like in the case of world chess champion beating computer, but it is not true.
If we look carefully then we find that in this case, the world champion is not playing against a single computer, but all the chess playing minds those programmed the software consuming years. Actually, in objective view, it is clear that the super computer is doing nothing besides playing a role of a middle man between the world champion and the programmers. The actual game is being played between the champion and those programmers. The knowledge of the programmers is reflecting in the computer in the form of information. Computer may win the game but it does not proof that it (computer) has more thinking power or knowledge than the champion but win will be due to the reason that the total information fed by the programmers may exceeds the knowledge of the champion.
Sometimes, when information fed to any system becomes extraordinarily huge and pervasive, it (system) gives the impression to be intellectual. All informative systems, super computers which can talk and ultratech robots, even those which are in the wraps of the future, no matter how advanced and sophisticated those would be, will be informative only. I do not have any doubt in my mind whatsoever that we could not make those to think simply because we would never be able to provide intellect as it is not a physical thing and we cannot create it.
There is a lot of talk about the testing of thinking power of the systems; especially Turing test. This test claims that if any machine is able to answer questions in such way that resembles human behavior then it could be said that the machine is thinking. This test also sets a standard that if a human fails to identify the machine by reading its answers and mistaken it with human mind, then it is certain that the machine is thinking. I do not see any merit in this argument. As I said earlier, that when information of any system becomes enormous in comparison with human mind, it gives fake impression of thinking power. Given the development in computers and robotics in modern science, it is quite possible that many of them could be able to pass this test but, in my opinion, all this does not proof anything. We have to understand the meaning of “thinking” first before setting the parameters for the test otherwise the result could be misleading.
Thinking is a mental process. It takes a start from evaluation and analysis of anything. By doing this, thinking explores both types of facts regarding the issue; positive and negative. At first, it looks carefully at the first hand information of the subject, and then roams around the periphery of the core point. In the process, it collides with the other facts; it sometimes accepts them, sometimes amends them, sometimes negates them and sometimes adds to the tally by finding new ones. There are two basic characters of thinking; evaluation and evolution. Any system, which claims that it can think or has intellect, should be able to meet these standards. A thinking entity should have the capacity of testing, modifying and adding to the information provided to it without any help from outside the system.
Now let us judge machines. Machines cannot test the information. They accept it verbatim. There is no challenge from their side. If we replace all intelligent moves with silly and wrong move in the programming of chess playing super computer; it will not refute it; no matter how advanced chips it could have but it will play accordingly to the programming when the situation will arise. On the contrary, even an average chess player will not accept silly moves if anyone asks. Yes, computer can compare between two sets of information very precisely but it cannot decide by itself which set of information is right or wrong. If we tell it that the wrong version is right, it will act accordingly and vice verse. A thinking and intellectual entity will never do it. So there is clear-cut difference between thinking systems and informative systems. Machines do not fulfill even the other two conditions as neither they can amend the information nor add anything new to it by themselves. So, I am sorry to say but no physical system other than mind is able to cross the bar.
To summarize the issue we can say that information is not an alternate of knowledge simply because in the absence of intellect, no entity in the universe, can absorb any kind of knowledge. So, there could be no such phenomenon in the world that could be called artificial intelligence; neither strong nor even weak.
with love,
Howdoo and welcome back for another cruise on The Bad Ship Clusterfucknation! ;o)
Couple things:

the creep


Author Profile Page 8man | November 9, 2012 10:02 AM | Reply

split changed with [[[ to [[[ and ]]] to

if [[[ and ]]] is not in the text...

double split technique:

a line is

"[[[ field1 ]]] contents of field1 [[[ field2 ]]] contents of field 2"

so split on [[[ gives an array

field1 ]]] contents of field1
field2 ]]] contents of field 2

and then split on each previous array element with ]]] extracts the
contents of each field...

array element 1 is : field1 ]]] contents of field1

and split on ]]] gives the contents of field1

Public bn1(10000)
Public bn(10000)
Public n2
Public tflag
Public v
Public s
Public s1
Sub tRRTT()

j = 0

Open "c:\since\cylinder\threetimes" For Input As #2

Do While Not EOF(2)

Line Input #2, bn1(j)
j = j + 1


Close #2

bn1tot = j

Open "C:\since\cylinder\XXX765" For Output As #1

tflag = 0

n1 = 0: n2 = 0: v = ""

For j = 0 To bn1tot

bn(n2) = bn1(n1)

If (InStr(bn(n2), "Chunk:") = 1) Then

s = Switch(InStr(bn(n2), "QW"), "QW", _
InStr(bn(n2), "UH"), "UH", _
InStr(bn(n2), "YT"), "YT", _
InStr(bn(n2), "MH"), "MH")

s1 = s

End If

v = v + bn(n2)
v = Replace(v, Chr(10), "")

If InStr(bn(n2), "NOTXET") Then
'If InStr(v, "NOTXET") Then

v = Replace(v, bn(n2), "")
bn(n2) = ""
' v = Replace(v, "", "")

If n1 > 3 Then
Mlinefeed (v)
End If

For i = 0 To n2: bn(i) = "": Next
v = ""

n2 = -1

End If

n2 = n2 + 1

n1 = n1 + 1


Close #1

Dim f(10000)

Dim r As Variant

j = 0

Open "c:\since\cylinder\XXX765" For Input As #1

Do While Not EOF(1)
j = j + 1
Line Input #1, f(j)

Close #1

i = 0

For k = 1 To j

r = Split(f(k), ";")

For i = 0 To UBound(r)
Cells(k, i + 1) = r(i)


ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Selection.Font.Bold = True

End Sub

Sub retreater()

Dim a(100) As String
Dim at(100) As String
Dim c(100)
Dim d As Variant
Dim b(10000)
Dim fld(10000)

a(0) = " in quota"
a(1) = "phanthom high"
a(2) = "cloud nine"
a(3) = " in quota"
a(4) = "return sub:"
a(5) = "dialog seven:"
a(6) = "long term:"
a(7) = "tusj it done:"
a(8) = "- solvent:"
a(9) = "- barbie confused:"
a(10) = "ape man"
a(11) = "ape men"
a(12) = "internal:"
a(13) = "new date since"
a(14) = "UNKNOWN"
a(15) = "pattern2"
a(16) = "pattern3"
a(17) = "the eight men"
a(18) = "the eight man"
a(19) = "the eight men"
a(20) = "the eight man"
a(21) = "listed subsystem"

i = 1
Do While a(i) > ""
i = i + 1

atot = i - 1

bntot = n2

i = 0

flag = 1

For j = 0 To bntot

bn(j) = Replace(bn(j), ";", ",")

If (InStr(bn(j), "Chunk:") > 0) Then

If (flag = 1) Then

bn(j) = ""

End If

flag = 0

End If

If InStr(bn(j), " in quota") Then

n = InStr(bn(j), " in quota")

b(i) = Mid(bn(j), 1, n - 1) '+ chr(13)

b(i + 1) = " in quota" + Mid(bn(j), n + Len(" in quota")) '+ chr(13)

i = i + 2


b(i) = bn(j)

i = i + 1

End If


btot = i

s = "": k = 0: flag = 0

For i = 0 To atot: at(i) = a(i): Next

For j = 0 To btot

For i = 0 To atot

If InStr(b(j), at(i)) = 1 And Len(at(i)) > 0 Then

If flag = 1 Then
k = k + 1
End If

b(j) = Replace(b(j), Chr(13), "")

fld(k) = b(j)

b(j) = ""

at(i) = ""

flag = 1

Exit For

End If


If (flag = 1) Then

b(j) = Replace(b(j), Chr(13), "")

fld(k) = fld(k) + b(j)

End If


fldtot = k

t = "INTERN"
s = s1

'c(1) = 3: c(2) = 7: c(3) = 4: c(4) = 14: c(5) = 10

For d = 0 To 21: c(d) = d: Next

For d = 0 To 21

i = c(d)

If tflag = 0 Then
If a(i) = "phanthom high" Then
t = t + " ; " + " TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed"
t = t + " ; " + a(i)
End If
End If

flag = 0

For j = 0 To fldtot

If InStr(fld(j), a(i)) = 1 Then

If a(i) = "phanthom high" Then
fld(j) = Replace(fld(j), "(", ";")
fld(j) = Replace(fld(j), "/", ";")
fld(j) = Replace(fld(j), ")", " ")
End If

If a(i) = " in quota" Then
fld(j) = Replace(fld(j), ")", " ")
End If

s = s + " ; " + Mid(fld(j), Len(a(i)) + 1)

fld(j) = ""

flag = 1

Exit For

End If


If flag = 0 Then

s = s + " ; - "

End If


If tflag = 0 Then
Print #1, t
tflag = 1
End If

Print #1, s

End Sub


Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MYTI")
Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

Open "C:\since\QQWW" For Output As #1

tflag = 0

For i = 1 To 18
Set myitem = myFolder.Items(i)

'Set myitem = myFolder.Items(9)
'If InStr(myitem.Subject, "YT") Then
If InStr(myitem.Subject, "alarmed") Then
MsgBox (myitem.Subject)
v = myitem.Body

Mlinefeed (v)

End If

Close #1

End Sub

Sub Mlinefeed(v)

Dim a(100) As String
Dim r As Variant
Dim rf As Variant

a(0) = " in quota"
a(1) = "phanthom high"
a(2) = "cloud nine"
a(3) = " in quota"
a(4) = "return sub:"
a(5) = "dialog seven:"
a(6) = "long term:"
a(7) = "tusj it done:"
a(8) = "- solvent:"
a(9) = "- barbie confused:"
a(10) = "ape man"
a(11) = "ape men"
a(12) = "internal:"
a(13) = "new date since"
a(14) = "UNKNOWN"
a(15) = "pattern2"
a(16) = "pattern3"
a(17) = "the eight men"
a(18) = "the eight man"
a(19) = "the eight men"
a(20) = "the eight man"
a(21) = "listed subsystem"

For i = 0 To 21

If i = 0 Then

v = Replace(v, " in quota", "[[[ in quota]]]", , 2)

ElseIf i = 1 Then

v = Replace(v, "phanthom high", "PMHTERN", , 2)
v = Replace(v, "PMHTERN", "phanthom high", , 1)
v = Replace(v, "PMHTERN", "[[[phanthom high]]]")

ElseIf i = 17 Then

v = Replace(v, "the eight men", "[[[the eight men]]]", , 2)

ElseIf i = 18 Then

v = Replace(v, "the eight man", "[[[the eight man]]]", , 2)

ElseIf i = 3 Or i = 19 Or i = 20 Then

sc = a(i)
v = Replace(v, sc, "[[[" + sc + "]]]", , 1)

End If


v = Replace(v, Chr(13), "")
v = Replace(v, Chr(160), "")
v = Replace(v, Chr(10), "")
v = Replace(v, ";", ",")

r = Split(v, "[[[")

t = "INTERN"

For i = 0 To 21

flag = 0

If tflag = 0 Then

If a(i) = "phanthom high" Then
t = t + " ; " + " TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed"
t = t + " ; " + a(i)
End If
End If

For j = 0 To UBound(r)

rf = Split(r(j), "]]]")

If UBound(rf) > 0 Then

If a(i) = rf(0) Then

If rf(0) = "phanthom high" Then
rf(1) = Replace(rf(1), "(", ";")
rf(1) = Replace(rf(1), "/", ";")
rf(1) = Replace(rf(1), ")", " ")
End If

If rf(0) = " in quota" Then
rf(1) = Replace(rf(1), ")", " ")
End If

s = s + " ; " + rf(1)
r(j) = "-"
flag = 1
Exit For

End If

End If

Next j

If flag = 0 Then
s = s + " ; " + "- "
End If


If tflag = 0 Then
Print #1, t
tflag = 1
End If
Print #1, s

End Sub


Sub testUH()

Dim TheDate As Date

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MYTI")
Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

f = 0
For i = 1 To myNamespace.Folders.Count
Set mynew = myNamespace.Folders(i)
For j = 1 To mynew.Folders.Count
Set myFolder = mynew.Folders(j)
If InStr(myFolder, "internal") Then
f = 1
Exit For
End If

If f = 1 Then
Exit For
End If


Open "C:\LHTTY\threetimes" For Output As #1

i = 0
For Each myitem In myFolder.Items
' TheDate = myitem.ReceivedTime
' If DateDiff("d", Now, TheDate) > -45 Then

If InStr(myitem.Subject, "alarmed") Then

' If (InStr(myItem.Subject, "QW") Or InStr(myItem.Subject, "UH") _
' Or InStr(myItem.Subject, "YT") Or InStr(myItem.Subject, "MH")) Then

' MsgBox (myItem.Subject)
v = myitem.Body
Print #1, ""
Print #1, v
' i = i + 1
End If

'End If
' If i > 4 Then
' Exit For
'End If

Close #1

End Sub

====== perl =======================

sub retreater


$a[0] = " in quota" ;
$a[1] = "phanthom high";
$a[2] = "cloud nine";
$a[3] = " in quota";
$a[4] = "return sub:";
$a[5] = "dialog seven:";
$a[6] = "long term:";
$a[7] = "tusj it done:";
$a[8] = "- solvent:";
$a[9] = "- barbie confused:";
$a[10] = "ape man";
$a[11] = "ape men";
$a[12] = "internal:";
$a[13] = "new date since";
$a[14] = "UNKNOWN";
$a[15] = "pattern2";
$a[16] = "pattern3";
$a[17] = "the eight men" ;
$a[18] = "the eight man";
$a[19] = "the eight men" ;
$a[20] = "the eight man";
$a[21] = "listed subsystem";

$i=0; $flag=1;


{ $bn[$j]=~s/;/,/g;

if ($bn[$j] =~ "Chunk:")

{ if ($flag)
$s1="QW" if $bn[$j] =~ "QW";
$s1="UH" if $bn[$j] =~ "UH";
$s1="YT" if $bn[$j] =~ "YT";
$s1="MH" if $bn[$j] =~ "MH";



if ($bn[$j] =~ " in quota")

{$bn[$j] =~ / in quota/g;

$n=pos $bn[$j];

$b[$i]=substr($bn[$j],0,$n-length(' in quota'))."\n";

$b[$i+1]=" in quota" .substr($bn[$j],$n)."\n";



{ $b[$i]=$bn[$j];


$s=''; $k=0; $flag=0;




{ if (($b[$j] =~ /^$at[$i]/) && (length($at[$i])>0))
if ($flag) { $k=$k+1 }


$fld[$k]= $b[$j];





if ($flag)

$fld[$k]= $fld[$k].$b[$j]

$s=$s1; $t='INTERN';

for ($d=0;$d<22;$d++) {$c[$d]=$d}

for ($d=0;$d<22;$d++)
{ $i=$c[$d];

if ($tflag == 0)

{ if ($a[$i] =~ "phanthom high" )
{ $t = $t . ' ; ' . ' TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed'}
{ $t = $t . ' ; ' . $a[$i]}


# { if ($fld[$j] =~ m/^$a[$i].+/)
{ if ($fld[$j] =~ m/^$a[$i]/)

{ if ($a[$i] eq "phanthom high" )

{ $fld[$j]=~s/\(/;/;
$fld[$j]=~s/\)/ /

if ($a[$i] eq " in quota" )

{ $fld[$j]=~s/\)/ /}

$s=$s.' ; '.substr($fld[$j],length($a[$i]));


$flag=1; last

if ($flag==0) { $s=$s.' ; - ' }

if ($tflag == 0)
{ print $t."\n";
$tflag = 1

print $s."\n";


$ff="threetimes"; open ff; @bn1=; close ff;


$n1=0; $n2=0;


{ $bn[$n2]=$bn1[$n1];

if ($bn[$n2]=~/NOTXET/)

# print @bn;
retreater if $n1>3;






sub retreater


$a[0] = " in quota" ;
$a[1] = "phanthom high";
$a[2] = "cloud nine";
$a[3] = " in quota";
$a[4] = "return sub:";
$a[5] = "dialog seven:";
$a[6] = "long term:";
$a[7] = "tusj it done:";
$a[8] = "- solvent:";
$a[9] = "- barbie confused:";
$a[10] = "ape man";
$a[11] = "ape men";
$a[12] = "internal:";
$a[13] = "new date since";
$a[14] = "UNKNOWN";
$a[15] = "pattern2";
$a[16] = "pattern3";
$a[17] = "the eight men" ;
$a[18] = "the eight man";
$a[19] = "the eight men" ;
$a[20] = "the eight man";
$a[21] = "listed subsystem";


{ if ($i == 0) {

$v =~s/( in quota)(.+)( in quota)(.+)/[[[$1]]]$2[[[$3]]]$4/;

elsif ($i == 1) {

$v =~s/(^.+phanthom high.+)(phanthom high)(.+)/$1[[[$2]]]$3/;

elsif ($i == 17) {

#$v =~s/(the eight men)(.+)(the eight men)(.+)/[[[$1]]]$2[[[$3]]]$4/;
$v =~s/the eight men/PMHTERN/;
$v =~s/the eight men/PMHTERN/;
$v =~s/PMHTERN/[[[the eight men]]]/;
$v =~s/PMHTERN/[[[the eight men]]]/;

elsif ($i == 18) {

# $v =~s/(the eight man)(.+)(the eight man)(.+)/[[[$1]]]$2[[[$3]]]$4/;

$v =~s/the eight man/PMHTERN/;
$v =~s/the eight man/PMHTERN/;
$v =~s/PMHTERN/[[[the eight man]]]/;
$v =~s/PMHTERN/[[[the eight man]]]/;

elsif ($i==3||$i==19||$i==20) { }

else {

$sc = $a[$i];

$v =~s/$sc/[[[$sc]]]/;

$c=chr(13); $v =~s/$c//g;
$c=chr(160);$v =~s/$c//g;
$c=chr(10); $v =~s/$c//g;
$v =~s/;/,/g;

@r = split'[[[',$v;

#print $r[0]."\n\n";

#print $s."\n\n";

$t = "INTERN";


{ $flag = 0;

if ($tflag == 0)

{ if ($a[$i] =~ "phanthom high" )
{ $t = $t . ' ; ' . ' TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed'}
{ $t = $t . ' ; ' . $a[$i]}


@rf = split']]]',$r[$j];

if ($a[$i] eq $rf[0])

{ if ($rf[0] eq "phanthom high" )

{ $rf[1]=~s/\(/;/;
$rf[1]=~s/\)/ /

if ($rf[0] eq " in quota" )

{ $rf[1]=~s/\)/ /}

$s=$s.' ; '.$rf[1];


$flag=1; last

if ($flag==0) { $s=$s.' ; - ' }

if ($tflag == 0)
{ print $t."\n";
$tflag = 1

print $s."\n";


$ff="threetimes"; open ff; @bn1=; close ff;


$n1=0; $n2=0; $v="";


{ $bn[$n2]=$bn1[$n1];

if ($bn[$n2]=~/^Chunk:/)
$s="QW" if $bn[$n2] =~ "QW";
$s="UH" if $bn[$n2] =~ "UH";
$s="YT" if $bn[$n2] =~ "YT";
$s="MH" if $bn[$n2] =~ "MH";

$c=chr(10); $v =~s/$c//g;

if ($bn[$n2]=~/NOTXET/)
$v =~s///;

# print @bn;
retreater if $n1>3;





================= awk ==========================================


function retreater()


a[0] = " in quota" ;
a[1] = "phanthom high";
a[2] = "cloud nine";
a[3] = " in quota";
a[4] = "return sub:";
a[5] = "dialog seven:";
a[6] = "long term:";
a[7] = "tusj it done:";
a[8] = "- solvent:";
a[9] = "- barbie confused:";
a[10] = "ape man";
a[11] = "ape men";
a[12] = "internal:";
a[13] = "new date since";
a[14] = "UNKNOWN";
a[15] = "pattern2";
a[16] = "pattern3";
a[17] = "the eight men" ;
a[18] = "the eight man";
a[19] = "the eight men" ;
a[20] = "the eight man";
a[21] = "listed subsystem";


i=0; flag=1;


{ gsub(/;/,",",bn[j]);

if (bn[j] ~ "Chunk:")

{ if (flag)
if (bn[j] ~ "QW") s1="QW";
if (bn[j] ~ "UH") s1="UH";
if (bn[j] ~ "YT") s1="YT";
if (bn[j] ~ "MH") s1="MH";



if (bn[j] ~ " in quota")
b[i]=substr(bn[j],0,index(bn[j]," in quota")-1);
b[i+1]=substr(bn[j],index(bn[j]," in quota"));
{ b[i]=bn[j];


s=""; k=0; flag=0;

for(j=0;j<atot;j++) at[j]=a[j];

for(j=0;j<btot;j++) {
for(i=0;i<atot;i++) {
if ((index(b[j],at[i])==1) && (length(at[i])>0))
if (flag) { k=k+1 }
fld[k]= b[j];

if (flag)
fld[k]= fld[k]""b[j]


s=s1; t="INTERN";

for (d=0;d<atot;d++) {c[d]=d}

for (d=0;d<atot;d++)
{ i=c[d];

if (tflag == 0)

{ if (a[i] ~ "phanthom high" )
{ t = t" ; TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed"}
{ t = t" ; "a[i]}


{ if (index(fld[j],a[i])==1)

{ if (a[i] ~ "phanthom high" )

{ sub(/\(/,";",fld[j]);
sub(/\)/," ",fld[j]);

if (a[i] ~ " in quota" )

{ sub(/\)/," ",fld[j])}

s=s" ; "substr(fld[j],length(a[i])+1);


flag=1; break

if (flag==0) { s=s" ; - " }

if (tflag == 0)
{ print t;
tflag = 1

print s;



while (ff!=0 ) ff=getline bn1[i=i+1]


for(n2=0;n2<bntot;n2++) bn[n2]="";



{ bn[n2]=bn1[n1];

if (bn[n2]~/NOTXET/)

if(n1>3) retreater();

for(n2=0;n2<bntot;n2++) bn[n2]="";
      for(n2=0;n2<btot;n2++) b[n2]="";
      for(n2=0;n2<fldtot;n2++) fld[n2]="";








function retreater()


a[0] = " in quota" ;
a[1] = "phanthom high";
a[2] = "cloud nine";
a[3] = " in quota";
a[4] = "return sub:";
a[5] = "dialog seven:";
a[6] = "long term:";
a[7] = "tusj it done:";
a[8] = "- solvent:";
a[9] = "- barbie confused:";
a[10] = "ape man";
a[11] = "ape men";
a[12] = "internal:";
a[13] = "new date since";
a[14] = "UNKNOWN";
a[15] = "pattern2";
a[16] = "pattern3";
a[17] = "the eight men" ;
a[18] = "the eight man";
a[19] = "the eight men" ;
a[20] = "the eight man";
a[21] = "listed subsystem";


i=0; flag=1;


{ if (i == 0) {

sub(" in quota","PMHTERN",v);
sub(" in quota","PMHTERN",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[ in quota]]]",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[ in quota]]]",v);

else if (i == 1) {

sub("phanthom high","PMHTERN",v);
sub("phanthom high","PMHTERN",v);
sub("PMHTERN","phanthom high",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[phanthom high]]]",v);

else if (i == 17) {

sub("the eight men","PMHTERN",v);
sub("the eight men","PMHTERN",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[the eight men]]]",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[the eight men]]]",v);

else if (i == 18) {

sub("the eight man","PMHTERN",v);
sub("the eight man","PMHTERN",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[the eight man]]]",v);
sub("PMHTERN","[[[the eight man]]]",v);

else if (i==3||i==19||i==20) { }

else {

sc = a[i];


c=sprintf("%c",13); gsub(c,"",v);
c=sprintf("%c",160); gsub(c,"",v);
c=sprintf("%c",10); gsub(c,"",v);


lr=1; for (x in r) lr=lr+1;

t = "INTERN";


{ flag = 0;

if (tflag == 0)

{ if (a[i] ~ "phanthom high" )
{ t = t" ; TNS ; Syte Exit ; Syte requested changed"}
{ t = t" ; "a[i]}



if (a[i]==rf[1])

{ if (rf[1] ~ "phanthom high" )

{ sub(/\(/,";",rf[2]);
sub(/\)/," ",rf[2]);

if (rf[1] ~ " in quota" )

{ sub(/\)/," ",rf[2])}

s=s" ; "rf[2];


flag=1; break

if (flag==0) { s=s" ; - " }

if (tflag == 0)
{ print t;
tflag = 1

print s;



while (ff!=0 ) ff=getline bn1[i=i+1]


for(n2=0;n2<bntot;n2++) bn[n2]="";

n1=0; n2=0; v="";


{ bn[n2]=bn1[n1];

if (bn[n2] ~ "Chunk:")
if (bn[n2] ~ "QW") s="QW";
if (bn[n2] ~ "UH") s="UH";
if (bn[n2] ~ "YT") s="YT";
if (bn[n2] ~ "MH") s="MH";


c=sprintf("%c",10); gsub(c,"",v);

if (bn[n2]~/NOTXET/)

if(n1>3) retreater();

for(n2=0;n2<bntot;n2++) bn[n2]=""; v="";





Author Profile Page tegmark | November 9, 2012 10:06 AM | Reply


Hi friends,

I would like to start with Searle thought experiment – The Chinese Room Argument.

It raises

Friday, November 2, 2012

Excess Capacity - Part II

Re: No Work? Make Work!

Postby nameta9 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:21 pm

Excess Capacity - Part II

How many working gadgets do we throw away ? how many working electronic components do we throw away each day ? most gadgets just have one or two components broke all of the others are ok, and all of the others are thrown away, maybe some recycled, maybe some put underground, etc. Trillions of resistors and capacitors (and where did all of those transistors in that 1960 TV set in Oklahoma go ? where are they now ? and all of those cars of the 1970, where are all of the wires and the dashboards ? and so forth, and extend to all items you see, all the tables, forks, bottles, you name it) all working, all thrown away, and the same with TV sets (the old CRT types) and computers and cars, and all of those almost new back seats of cars that are thrown away with the millions of cars thrown away every year and such. And all of the houses the storm broke, but pieces of the houses are still good and working, but now gone forever, hidden ? recycled ? who knows....and the day will come, in the future that all of the trillions of electronic gadgets - microprocessors, resistors, CRT tubes, etc. (and old car engines, and old plastic, bottles, you name it, I have been throwing things out for years, I am the trash man of the house, I can imagine how much crap has been thrown out everyday for 200 or 300 years since the start of the "Industrial Revolution"...) will become the substrate of a new branch of Natural Evolution, evolving new things, new life forms, all of those electronic components combining randomly to create new animals, and life forms, and new brains, all new circuits and new thoughts, maybe in the year 300 million, all of these items will interact and become a new living organism, a new Instant Singularity, etc.

This is the product of an Excess Capacity society, that can keep on producing forever, there is enough for everyone, there is a lot of waste, forever waste, but no circuit to distribute all of the Excess Capacity a Technological Society and Economy generates automatically: we need hence free salaries and cheap rents, and we all need to free load, long live freeloaders...




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No, I disagree. I take that all back. I am Wrong. We need to do the opposite create ever more complex programming languages, create trillions of complex, insanely complex languages and chips and systems, things that require trillions of people working for trillions of years just to print "Hello Idiotic World", etc. So I imagine trillions of languages made up of trillions of books full of symbols (wild symbols, wild logic, wild diagrams and concepts), concepts, indirections, denotations, trillions of chips with trillions of transistors, the more complex the better, the more time wasting the better, since time is there to be wasted anyways, time is always wasted anyways, we need to be occupied and need to kill time (all of this as a corollary of my other projects for Mankind like building trillions of robots and skyscrapers and rockets and space travel and so forth and trillions of new brain designs, etc.)

So, yes, we need to invent very large languages and programs full of wild symbols (that doesn't work and will need an infinite amount of time to debug, the more they don't work the better, the more insanity the better, contradict logic always, go backwards, do the opposite of what should be done, go backwards always, so cool...) a language that occupies a hundred books each a thousand pages long, and trillions of new languages, by the time the future comes, the year 2100 we will have an encyclopedia of programming languages having trillions of incredibly complex languages and systems, the mind occupied is the mind free...



the ape job, the spe can, the tobor, the 8th men..

shapc a lack a shpac , shpeck a lag al lag barbie confused... shapak a lak,,รนรนรน
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No Work? Make Work!

No Work? Make Work!

Postby nameta9 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:27 pm


No Work ? Make Work!

I am amazed by how much Software and Computers went backwards, exactly did all it could to kill optimization, efficiency, productivity (and all of the other imaginary concepts the Standard Economic Model blatters about all the time, never defining really what they mean but used just to confuse and project abstract denotations meaning nothing just to gain something according to some agenda (like firing public workers because they are "not productive" and such, when only the governments worldwide can hire millions of people (to do boldly and proudly and truly absolutely nothing at all, which is actually the most productive thing they could do), for which there is and will never be any work anymore since the Technological Economy got rid of work altogether no matter how many illusions everyone tries to sale you all on this)).

The sector that should have been optimized and automated first (and that actually automated most work, go figure) and the most decided that there would be way too little real work left for millions of graduates and kids, so they started to invent all kinds of new programming languages, complications, all kinds of bureaucracy, so to say, all kinds of interdictions, impediments to producing that little real software that is really needed, but only stealthly and mostly hiddenly just to Make Work, Invent Work that is not needed and not possible and there, create structures that create fake work and activity just to keep millions occupied and such.

Case in point, during the early 80s we had BASIC as a programming language that had everything you needed and would ever need to write any complex software you could ever write already in place, a simple language that does all that you will ever need (and the machine language of computers is even simpler and more basic than BASIC consisting in only MOVE, ADD, SUBTRACT, some register instructions, some logic instructions and such, END OF STORY) but somehow, somewhere the fashions of the time decided to "change", to complicate things: so they started with Pascal (which is still good anyways) with semicolons (why the complication ?) the begin end stuff (why the extras ?) the distinction between := and == and such and so many had to learn a somewhat more complex language, etc. Then there was a proliferation of other languages (mostly from C, another huge productivity killer if ever! why the complications ? why all of the memory allocations ? why so much crap ? this should be all automatic just like BASIC did, etc.) and so forth, the curly brackets, another complication and so forth.

And finally JAVA and C++ that completely devastated the brains of generations of kids with absurd complexity that is not needed and is just there to confuse and stop people from programming and such (anyways, just as a side note, today the best languages you can use without wasting time is Visual Basic, PERL and AWK).

But this was done on purpose to create work, to create change which creates work since no one was (and still is) honest enough to say that the era of work is over, work is done and over with, is no longer needed.

And just imagine if we perfected, starting from the 80s (but you already had COBOL and FORTRAN in place which did and still today can do anything you want no matter how complex, shove JAVA and C and Object Oriented crap and especially C++ a huge waste of time, brain destroying idiotic complexity that is just there to waste hours on end) all of the BASIC programs and routines and libraries, everything possible, we could have completely automated 90 % of programming by now, just using one language, concentrating on the problems and not the languages and such. But it would have been too easy, too few new "programming jobs" would have been created, the deception would have been revealed, and the same deception would have been revealed in many other areas and sectors (the huge myth that Research and Science and Technology and Innovation and Education somehow magically "Creates Jobs", what total idiocy, it creates jobs only as inventions, only as social constructions, as behaviors and rituals, not because there is a real fundamental need for any of those fluff jobs like stupid APPs on IPHONEs and such), they couldn't say that computers and software and technology would create and need so many new workers and such crap.
And even the line numbers in BASIC and the use of GOTOs (which was demonized by so many fools!, the very machine language of computers is all about gotos jack asses!, you just needed to know how to use the flow of a program and be careful how it is designed, design it correctly and you can use all the GOTOs you want idiots) was probably much better than all of the JAVA and C++ confusion and complexity and useless abstractions.

As in real work, there is little to do always, just build some cars, some houses, some services, end of story, most work could be done with a few thousand people, end of story, everyone else is redundant, too many people for too little real work (so put them all in educations and services, all talking to each other and wasting time and not producing anything but status challenges, and office politics and all kinds of crap needed to make everyone think they are important and doing something important when in all truth, they are all excess capacity, useless, not needed, they just have to be occupied producing fluff all day since the governments worldwide can't be honest enough (and societies and culture) to say THE ERA OF WORK IS OVER, NOW WE ARE FORCED TO GIVE EVERYONE A FREE SALARY SINCE WORK WILL NO LONGER EVER BE NEEDED, AND CHEAP RENTS FOR HOMES AND ALL KINDS OF FREE STUFF, END OF STORY. (but as usual, even that would have been too easy, no more excuses for fights and conflicts etc.).

About the Future, we want to be in our imaginary movie, in an imaginary world where things play out according to "our dreams" and such crap, but this is false (and the future and dreams and goals becomes our prison and our constant regret and unsatisfaction for not having reached it, for being just unlucky (and you blame yourself for pure blind chance making you unlucky and you have to activate sadness and madness to hurt yourself, another automatic circuit in your mind that must be hosed), but this abstraction just like religion and god must be hosed, stop making abstractions and metaphysical inventions punish you, stop making ghosts punish you), there is no future, it is an invention there to punish and torture you and all of your plans (we should have grown old together and such absurd plans don't make sense when you analyze them logically) there is no movie and imaginary movies (where you see yourself in, you want to be in your movie, but the movie is an invention) and goals, things just occur, end of story, there is no denotation and metaphysical reality of the future, only events, a sequence of disjoint and unrelated events occur with no meaning possible, no plan possible, no future (or past or anything for that matter) possible, etc.

I AM THE OVERMAN (as imagined by Frank Zappa).

12-21-2012 12:1212121212 .... pm THE END IS NEAR

As in Free Physics...





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Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Future ...


The Future ...

The myth of the future, the myth of destiny, you could have done this or that, if only, if only you did this you would be that or in another place, situation, whatever, etc. This myth is at the basis of all of the problems people force themselves to have (the logical mental problems a Man Brain forces itself to have according to models of cause and effect and control when 99 % of what happens is out of any control at all) the goal, the target, the success reached according to some model or whatever, but the truth is the future doesn't exist, it is not some metaphysical destiny that you could have achieved or should have achieved, the sequence of events that occur mostly just happen with no goal or control or model in mind, no matter how hard you try to control or force things to go in certain ways (the myth of science and finding out why and then how to control the future and such). So if the future doesn't exist and is random and without any control, then it isn't a model, there is nothing to regret or nothing to be sad about since you didn't reach the future you wanted, the future never existed in the first place if only as a figment of the imagination as a utopia as an imagined place that should have and could have been so and so and you could have reached it: nothing further from the truth, there is no future, there is no model, there is no control, there is no metaphysical external future waiting to be reached according to your effort and responsibility and such (but you are forced to think in these terms and force yourself to constantly fail because you didn't reach the fairy land, etc.).

But this is due to the cause and effect and logical model of the world that works so well in so many instances, becoming a mental jail, everything is logical and under control but this control is an illusion, when you least expect it it will deny all of your intentions and hopes and models and since you can't accept that the model of the future was false and impossible to reach, since any and all futures are a wild guess, you blame yourself, you blame some logical consequence, you blame some control you missed, some bad choice you made (or all of the people stuff, she said, she did, he did, all of the family, emotional, career crap and such and blame him or her and lawyers and fights and politics etc.) and such.

But just like god cannot be proven to exist or not exist, the question is in an eternal limbo, and just like it is impossible to pinpoint down what is relative and what is absolute, the same thing happens with all of the narrative of a life, how much control did you have, what could you have done, why didn't that great future occur, who is to blame, what bad choice I made (or someone else made, hence blame him or it or them, etc. and fight and wars and conflicts), if only, if only I could go back and such, it can never be known, it is just suggested, to torture you, to torture your mind with regret and killed hopes and bad choices and with future effort, a lot of effort to reach a future that is and will always be impossible to reach because it doesn't exist anywhere, it only exists the moment it occurs and only for a picosecond only to disappear again and remain in your memory (to keep on torturing you with its imaginary reality, when there is no reality behind anything that has happened, there is no past, another figment of the imagination, the past is just a random collection of bits in your memory in your man brain...), and what occurs moment by moment is so totally random and quirky and without any substance, reality, only a metaphysical invention that worrying about it, planning it, regretting it, projecting future goals is a joke on the mind always, is a joke to torture the mind that will always lose this chess game against god.

But exactly because so many things work and are logical, we are full of perfect machines, perfect programs (like computer programs, predicting and controlling events in the future so perfectly) that we are fooled and induced into thinking that this control and projected future is real and possible and if something good doesn't happen it is our fault since we didn't control or predict well enough and such, and we must regret a bad choice, a bad sequence of events we could have controlled and such. Nothing further from the truth, we can control a lot of things but only up to the point that random events and forces allow us to go, then pure nothing and randomness and pure blind chance will decide for us but leave us tortured and always finding something that should have been but didn't come to be, something or someone to blame, even yourself, mostly yourself, and some further study and investigation, and further research and science to allow us to control something that doesn't exist and will never exist, namely the future, the ghost of an imagined future that can be reached by imagined controls but always a total falsification of reality, as reality doesn't exist, models don't exist, we are constantly being taken for a ride by god, physics, (and the huge success we have ha in controlling a lot of things, but not everything and that is where we always fail) the principles of non contradiction, the identity principles always making us believe in this crap of logic and control and prediction only to hose you when you least expect it etc.

Like the news and newspapers TV, some new catastrophe to worry about, (some new challenges some new bad news to torture you, some new problem, some new threats, constant threats all over the place on any issue) you have to take sides and win or lose, always new news and new problems and new frustration and new impossible problems to solve and such, there is always something new to torture you, some new conflict, some new problem, the entire idea of problems means that there are solutions, but this is false, almost all problems are without any solution since they can only be solved politically, by social consent, but no two people will ever agree on anything, as man is conflict, fight, is conflicting will powers always and such...

Like Global Warming: it can't be demonstrated precisely (because the laws of physics make believe they are precise but they are a hoax, the three body problem can't be solved, hence there are no laws of physics to start with), but it is a possibility, it is suggested that we are wrecking the climate, hence something or someone to blame for the NYC storm and such...

Always these undecided situations, everything is a joke on us, does god exist yes or no ? did you control your future and are you to blame for what happened yes or no ? did you kill the climate by driving yes or no ? and so forth, all undecided, all suggested: the truth is all of these problems aren't problems in the first place because they have no solutions to begin with (or impossible solutions like the whole world stops industrial production and car driving and such, totally insane solutions), they are false problems so don't think about anything anymore, who cares what happens, we are hosed anyways in the end, the future doesn't exist, the past doesn't exist, what happens is pure blind chance, and I am not feeling very well myself anyways...

The future as some external picture outside waiting to happen (or as things happened as we wished but we can't have a part in that imaginary movie), the picture as something that exists and is real, there is no external picture or metaphysical place where the events are playing out as we imagine, there is no future ...

I AM THE OVERMAN (as imagined by Frank Zappa).

12-21-2012 12:1212121212 .... pm THE END IS NEAR

As in Free Physics...



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