Wednesday, August 7, 2013




Postby nameta9 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:20 am
In fact technology is at the end of the line, progress is over, we won't be discovering or creating new fangled things anymore like Electricity or Computers of Jet Planes and so forth. New Smart Phones containing old hat functions like phones and cameras and the internet just won't cut it anymore. At most we can replicate millions of models, produce a huge number of items of the same type, increase distribution and production of the old things we already have (fill the third world with cars and computers and skyscrapers and so forth), but we can't really invent any really new things anymore, we are at the end of the line now.

So relax, find a nice beach and don't do anything anymore, just create nice leisure places like Rimini, Italy or similar, nice towns with discos, bars, girls (or boys if you are a girl (although I suspect we are all very old hags on these blogs but anyways) or whatever), you get the idea, hose the Work mentality, the production mentality and so forth, the "always having to do or discover or improve" crap and BS, we have done it all, it has all been achieved, now relax and free your mind, don't think about anything anymore, give up, end of story, end of the line.

Or you can cram a V8 engine and jet engine in your skull and explore new experiences...(I prefer to relax and throw all this progress BS away)...


gdp again...


Postby nameta9 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:21 am
The point is that GDP grows by consumption not by production: the fact that all the politics - economists are concentrated on helping industries and corporations and the work - production part of the economic equation reveals not only an old fashion 18th century hard work - production mentality that hasn't been really operating anymore for decades, but also the naive idea that more production and work and competition will make economies grow: nothing further from the truth, actually it is the exact opposite, more leisure time and free time and consumption will make economies grow infinitely faster and more than any new technology or innovation or research or competition and so forth: that is why we need beaches wll organized, the paradox is that the more Non Work, the more Leisure will help protect and increase that very little real work that is still necessary for a service economy.

And a Technological Economy needs more work like a hole in the head, it needs leisure, well organized and comfortable beaches, and so forth.

Of course the USA style of increasing comsumption and propping up the service economy is to increase "Health Care", make everyone think they are sick, make them all sick, give them procedures and drugs to help protect them from "possible future sicknesses" (that probably would never occur and anyways is so vague and intractable, go figure) instead of creating nice beaches and concentrating on leisure and pleasure and enjoyment and so forth. They should take a good look at those beaches in Italy and finally get civilized, in this sector Italy is light years ahead of anyone, no doubt.

religion and beaches and minds

Re: can science and religion be reconciled?

Postby nameta9 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:13 am
nameta9 wrote:
Hence this justifies the "Scientific Program" of designing new Brains and Minds having any possible interaction set with any possible outside environment created for it, any possible pain/pleasure circuits and so forth (the true evolution of technology, "Technology Achieved", technology on steroids, as only the pain/pleasure circuits count in the end and technology is only a means to achieve more pleasure than pain, etc.), this justifies the fact that reality is just an event, a point like event that can be emerged within any Interaction Set and Information Set and Experience Set, since the "event" is only ever all reality and truth, independent of any laws used to navigate it, nay, the laws can be invented, can be any at all, hence science is truly arbitrary as it pertains to only one set of interaction laws set up by Natural Evolution with respect to this quirky, random chemical set called Man.

In fact technology is at the end of the line, progress is over, we won't be discovering or creating new fangled things anymore like Electricity or Computers of Jet Planes and so forth. New Smart Phones containing old hat functions like phones and cameras and the internet just won't cut it anymore. At most we can replicate millions of models, produce a huge number of items of the same time, increase distribution and production of the old things we already have (fill the third world with cars and computers and skyscrapers and so forth), but we can't really invent any really new things anymore, we are at the end of the line now. We can make trillions of old things (what we should do anyways, we need huge increase of consumption and production of all kinds of things and remember that consumption is way more difficult to achieve than production, producing is easy, consuming is hard because people are still too used to the Resource Scarcity Mentality (not like the USA, the only real consmuer society), and all the economists and politicians think that GDP grows by helping corporations and production and competition and companies when in all truth, GDP grows mostly when you hike up consumption hugely, consumption should be the name of the game and more money in people's hands, not companies and production and so forth, consumption is infinitely more important than production and much harder to produce since it depends on people's culture and mind and hesitation to buy and waste like crazy, what we really need!) trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to planets and TVs and computers and so forth, mostly trillions of examples and permutations of mostly old ideas and concepts, but nothing really radically new like the Jet Plane was, or the Rocket to the Moon was, or the Automobile was and so forth.

In fact, you can really feel the desperation of our civilization that can't really go forward anymore (let alone all the political - social - economic problems that will forever be intractable and without any solutions because the Man Brain is simply a fighting against each other machine having will power machine and so forth), boredom, not knowing what new exciting thing to invent and so forth, what new possible market can be created, the constant chant for Innovation and Startups and Research and so forth hoping to gain something and so forth.

But the only real way forward now is to proudly and boldly and bluntly modify the Man Brain, the Observing Contraption on the top of our body, the Skull contents, stick in chips and new designs, make the new brains do all kinds of incredible new things, technology on steroids, technology achieved, modify the Mind and Brain in infinitely new ways, create trillions of new universes, all other past inventions and novelties will seem so tiny and worth so little compared to this.


So keep on waiting and hestitating civilization, keep on playing puny games with old products and inventions, keep on devising new smart phones with other cameras and old hat things instead of doing what must be done: stick jet engines in the skull and mind, stick wild symbols and circuits in brains, change the brains in infinitely new varieties and types, do it man, you can do it, first gear - its all right, second gear - hang on tight, third gear you're out of sight.

Then again, even this theory and ideology may be a desperate attempt to keep on producing an imaginary progress when progress is mostly terminated in that modifying brains and minds will simply lead up pain and death since biological contraptions are so complex and intractable that it cannot be done: remember the three body problem can't be solved even with supercomputers executing a trillion operations a second...


Postby Smears » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:03 pm
Every time I go to Miami, I go to a place called Nikki Beach. It's private, and really nice, and they got all these white linen drapes hanging between the palm trees for a little shade. What I do, is I pay 300 bucks, and for that I get 2 liters of the liquor of my choice, and a king sized bed on a private beach with it's own little canopy so I can lounge around from morning till night just napping and drinking on the beach. It's a really great place. Much better than the public beaches, 65 bucks for a pitcher of mojito though. If you're ever down there you should definitely check it out.

I'll say this, I've been to 9 islands all over the place, and I've been to the "best beaches" at all of them, and if you know where to look, there's just no contest, the beaches in south Florida are supreme.
When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a bicycle. Then I realized that's not how god works. So I stole one and asked him to forgive me. -some comedian. (the funniest jokes are the true ones, and this is just how most religious people act if you look at them as a group).
In the faculty of writing nonsense, stupidity is no match for genius. -Bagehot
Life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you've got, the less shit you have to eat. -an old dude i met once
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Postby nameta9 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:21 am
The point is that GDP grows by consumption not by production: the fact that all the politics - economists are concentrated on helping industries and corporations and the work - production part of the economic equation reveals not only an old fashion 18th century hard work - production mentality that hasn't been really oeprating anymore for decades, but also the naive idea that more production and work and competition will make economies grow: nothing further from the truth, actually it is the exact opposite, more leisure time and free time and consumption will make economies grow infinitely faster and more than any new technology or innovation or research or competition and so forth: that is why we need beaches wll orgainxe, the paradox is that the more Non Work, the more Leisure will help protect and increase that very little real work that is still necessary for a service economy.

And a Technological Economy needs more work like a hole in the head, it needs leisure, well organized and comfortable beaches, and so forth.



nameta9 wrote:
Hence this justifies the "Scientific Program" of designing new Brains and Minds having any possible interaction set with any possible outside environment created for it, any possible pain/pleasure circuits and so forth (the true evolution of technology, "Technology Achieved", technology on steroids, as only the pain/pleasure circuits count in the end and technology is only a means to achieve more pleasure than pain, etc.), this justifies the fact that reality is just an event, a point like event that can be emerged within any Interaction Set and Information Set and Experience Set, since the "event" is only ever all reality and truth, independent of any laws used to navigate it, nay, the laws can be invented, can be any at all, hence science is truly arbitrary as it pertains to only one set of interaction laws set up by Natural Evolution with respect to this quirky, random chemical set called Man.

In fact technology is at the end of the line, progress is over, we won't be discovering or creating new fangled things anymore like Electricity or Computers of Jet Planes and so forth. New Smart Phones containing old hat functions like phones and cameras and the internet just won't cut it anymore. At most we can replicate millions of models, produce a huge number of items of the same time, increase distribution and production of the old things we already have (fill the third world with cars and computers and skyscrapers and so forth), but we can't really invent any really new things anymore, we are at the end of the line now. We can make trillions of old things (what we should do anyways, we need huge increase of consumption and production of all kinds of things and remember that consumption is way more difficult to achieve than production, producing is easy, consuming is hard because people are still too used to the Resource Scarcity Mentality (not like the USA, the only real consmuer society), and all the economists and politicians think that GDP grows by helping corporations and production and competition and companies when in all truth, GDP grows mostly when you hike up consumption hugely, consumption should be the name of the game and more money in people's hands, not companies and production and so forth, consumption is infinitely more important than production and much harder to produce since it depends on people's culture and mind and hesitation to buy and waste like crazy, what we really need!) trillions of skyscrapers and rockets to planets and TVs and computers and so forth, mostly trillions of examples and permutations of mostly old ideas and concepts, but nothing really radically new like the Jet Plane was, or the Rocket to the Moon was, or the Automobile was and so forth.

In fact, you can really feel the desperation of our civilization that can't really go forward anymore (let alone all the political - social - economic problems that will forever be intractable and without any solutions because the Man Brain is simply a fighting against each other machine having will power machine and so forth), boredom, not knowing what new exciting thing to invent and so forth, what new possible market can be created, the constant chant for Innovation and Startups and Research and so forth hoping to gain something and so forth.

But the only real way forward now is to proudly and boldly and bluntly modify the Man Brain, the Observing Contraption on the top of our body, the Skull contents, stick in chips and new designs, make the new brains do all kinds of incredible new things, technology on steroids, technology achieved, modify the Mind and Brain in infinitely new ways, create trillions of new universes, all other past inventions and novelties will seem so tiny and worth so little compared to this.


So keep on waiting and hestitating civilization, keep on playing puny games with old products and inventions, keep on devising new smart phones with other cameras and old hat things instead of doing what must be done: stick jet engines in the skull and mind, stick wild symbols and circuits in brains, change the brains in infinitely new varieties and types, do it man, you can do it, first gear - its all right, second gear - hang on tight, third gear you're out of sight.

Then again, even this theory and ideology may be a desperate attempt to keep on producing an imaginary progress when progress is mostly terminated in that modifying brains and minds will simply lead up pain and death since biological contraptions are so complex and intractable that it cannot be done: remember the three body problem can't be solved even with supercomputers executing a trillion operations a second...

spark plug

Tuesday, August 6, 2013



Hey, Brazil (or Mexico, China, India, whatever) take a look at the Italian Beaches ! They have a very organized grid of umbrellas, Bar spots called Lidos, all very comfortable, lots of room, rent the Umbrellas and Bed Chairs and so forth, and at night Discos and whatever. I saw these at Rimini but there are many other similar type beaches there, actually by a street view tour it seems that only Italy devised this Private Public organization of relaxation, of the industry of "leisure" and industry geared towards not doing anything, the exact opposite of all the BS "Hard Work Myth" of the USA or Germany or JAPAN and such.

Actually Non Work becomes a real industry with hotels and a great boost to GDP. Never mind that for now the GDP of Italy is down and the crisis and all, but anyways. The point is that long beaches in Brazil or Mexico or any place else, with the right temperature could be organized like this and they could create a huge boost of their GDP, they could create more wealth for all, etc. Most beaches of the world and Brazil are unorganized, tiny or random plots (don't get me started in the USA, they don't have a clue!), bring your own umbrella public spots (but public is OK, just divide the plots equally between public and private with organized umbrellas and anyways the umbrellas don't cost much to rent daily and they are very comfortable, nice, and so forth). Of course, there is a strong ritual - cultural element to the way the beaches in Italy are, the "Environment Style" (as any spot on earth has its own quirky, particular environment style ) so it may be hard to imitate, but anyways.

Just an idea, for those countries that need to boost their GDP to become wealthy like the "rich west" (or what is left of it), create new towns with Lidos and beaches, create areas of leisure, make it become an industry and so forth.

All the think tanks keep on chanting the BS of Innovation, Resarch, Startups and so forth hoping to boost GDP, but they don't look at the simplest and best ideas that have been working for decades, this organziation of beaches and such made the GDP of Italy grow hugely during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s so it can be done in Brazil or Mexico or China or California if they decide to.

Of course all the green thugs, tree huggers, environmentalists, and all the churches and all the huge party poopers that just want Mankind to suffer forever will find all kinds of things against it as usual, but just ignore their BS.

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Religion ?

Re: can science and religion be reconciled?

Postby nameta9 » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:33 am
"The idea of going back for ever and ever was something I could not get hold of: it seemed impossible."

Compared to what ? to what you are familiar with ? to what you think is right or normal or logical ?

It may simply be, without further explanations or possibilities or impossibilities, it simply is, it is a random choice or contraption or design, just random without any why or how or logic or anything, just a random design chosen by nobody for nobody for nothing, just like the random pebbles you see in the street, just a random configuration of pebbles having no deeper reason or explanation or origin than nothing and no reason at all.

"Nothing is nothing, not anything. So the idea of a beginning was unimaginable, which somehow made it seem impossible too. The upshot was that it seemed to be impossible for time to have had a beginning and impossible not for it to have had a beginning. "

Compared to what ? to what you are familiar with ? to what you think is right or normal or logical ?

Science itself is an act of faith or religon in LOGIC, in NON CONTRADICTION in the ability of the MIND and THOUGHT to figure things out, to find out and so forth, to control the world, to find mostly technologies that can benefit this quirkily designed chemical entity called Man and so forth.

And as such it wants to be totalizing, to explain everthing, to put everything inside a narrative, an explanation, a box and so forth. But all generalized, totalizing boxes that want to contain everything (just like religions and ideologies, just like economics and so forth) are destined to fail at some point, all are destined to be flawed simply because it is impossible to contain everything inside a single narrative, inside logic or thought or the mind or anything at all, everyhitng is always past itself, is non containable and so forth.

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Re: can science and religion be reconciled?

Postby nameta9 » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:39 am
nameta9 wrote:Science itself is an act of faith or religon in LOGIC, in NON CONTRADICTION in the ability of the MIND and THOUGHT to figure things out, to find out and so forth, to control the world, to find mostly technologies that can benefit this quirkily designed chemical entity called Man and so forth.

And as such it wants to be totalizing, to explain everthing, to put everything inside a narrative, an explanation, a box and so forth. But all generalized, totalizing boxes that want to contain everything (just like religions and ideologies, just like economics and so forth) are destined to fail at some point, all are destined to be flawed simply because it is impossible to contain everything inside a single narrative, inside logic or thought or the mind or anything at all, everyhitng is always past itself, is non containable and so forth.


Compared to what ? to what you are familiar with ? to what you think is right or normal or logical ?

It may simply be, without further explanations or possibilities or impossibilities, it simply is, it is a random choice or contraption or design, just random without any why or how or logic or anything, just a random design chosen by nobody for nobody for nothing, just like the random pebbles you see in the street, just a random configuration of pebbles having no deeper reason or explanation or origin than nothing and no reason at all.
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Re: can science and religion be reconciled?

Postby cba1067950 » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:51 am
No. Not the way they stand today. Religion is contradicted by science on many points, the origin of life, the creation of the universe, energy in the form of a soul... I'm sure there are others. Unless religious folks are willing to erase entire sections of the word of God, they will continue to contradict.
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Re: can science and religion be reconciled?

Postby nameta9 » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:41 am
Science in general is relevant in as much as it has a consequence for us, it affects us in terms of pain/pleasure, win/lose, goals and how to reach them and so forth: it is mostly a technology even though we seldom realize it, it is mostly a device we use for our pleasure, for our goals, for our intentionality of use, for what we intend to do with it, even if we intend to just contemplate a set of pretty equations or a theory that elegantly locks all the pieces in place like Natural Evolution and so forth and so on.

But if it didn't effect us in any way, in terms of pain/pleaure, in terms of how we are configured with respect to Matter, to what is considered the outside Matter, the outside independent world, and the need to be able to predict and discover the laws that can help us navigate such a world so as to achieve the least pain, to achieve the most goals in short to make us get on top of the world - matter - the independent forces that can pop up and ruin our intentions and plans, would it matter at all ? would it have any relevance ? would we even care ?

If it weren't for the real elementary particles that are the arbitrarily configured and designed pain/pleasure circuits of the way Man, this quirky chemical entity is designed and set up to interact with its outside world (the entire interaction set of Man <-> Environment), science wouldn't exist at all (or any science would do, any science no matter how fictional and elaborate and false would be perfectly correct and valid just as much as our "real" science) since knowing or not knowing the laws governing the navigation of an independent world from us would be irrelevant, wouldn't touch us in any way, wouldn't effect us in any way, it would be irrelevant whether the laws are true or false, wether any theory or set of laws or technologies were functional or fictional, true and correct or completely wrong and false since it wouldn't touch us in any way in terms of pain/pleasure and so forth.

Hence this justifies the "Scientific Program" of designing new Brains and Minds having any possible interaction set with any possible outside environment created for it, any possible pain/pleasure circuits and so forth (the true evolution of technology, "Technology Achieved", technology on steroids, as only the pain/pleasure circuits count in the end and technology is only a means to achieve more pleasure than pain, etc.), this justifies the fact that reality is just an event, a point like event that can be emerged within any Interaction Set and Information Set and Experience Set, since the "event" is only ever all reality and truth, independent of any laws used to navigate it, nay, the laws can be invented, can be any at all, hence science is truly arbitrary as it pertains to only one set of interaction laws set up by Natural Evolution with respect to this quirky, random chemical set called Man.

Science is 100 % arbitrary and invented in as much as it pertains to the Interaction Set of a 100 % arbitrarily designed, wild and quirky and random chemical entity called Man, it reflects the totally arbitrary nature of how we are configured with respect to Nature. There are trillions of other possible configurations for a chemical entity simlar to Man but having all kinds of new interaction sets, circuits, and so forth, and each one of these would discover and create a completely new science that would appear and be perceived as an absolute truth and as a real science since such an entity (just like us) could never really go outside of itself and see just how aribtrary his laws really are (although Man, by creating science is always pretending to be some Objective Independent Observer looking at the Universe from the outside, not noticing that he is actually simply looking mostly at himself and his own arbitrary laws of interaction and discovering only these random numbers), as they are just one set of laws, Interaction Sets and Experience Sets, Information Relationships from many trillions of other possible sets.

And in fact, anyways most science today is so abstract, detached and removed from any possible clear cause and effect in terms of pain/pleasure, so indirect, that any infinite complex theory made up is equivalent to any real theory, any real theory or truth is established only in as much as it has a consequence on pain/pleasure, but take away the pain/pleasure circuits or change them and any new science can be discovered and so forth.

Notice how the scientists always say that the GOD particle they discovered and the investment will be justified by some future "technological application", as if all science is worthy only if it has some consequence for us, not for its abstract beauty and such, but then any complex theory having any abstract beauty, even if never will lead to a technological application is just as valuable or useless anyways.

spark plug