Friday, December 20, 2013

Meat and Iron

Re: The Singularity in the FLESH

Postby nameta9 » Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:44 pm

Re: The Singularity in the FLESH

Postby nameta9 » Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:44 pm
Meat and Iron

So Matter decides to subdivide itself in all combinations of Meat and Iron, blood and wires, processors and observers, everything you see is a schematic diagram for a new Brain Machine, for a new Experience Generating Contraption, it is all a sheet a paper describing new brain circuits, new sensory systems, new emotional contraptions, so many possibilities, a never ending design of new Minds executing new worlds and so forth.

SO the world is an instance of a given particular subdivision of Matter elements in Men and machines interacting, cities, and messages of Metal flowing through the networks (aka cars and highways, etc.) every electron is an instant singularity, I have seen trillions of incredible new worlds and singularities, you would never believe, and so everything is an instant singularity achieved, all items and entities, the more undetermined they are the better.

So time and thought chunks mixed with Flesh and Iron, Steel and Meat, memories and abstractions all mixed, all concepts mixed, all entities unknown, all colors are shown...time and space converted in to processors and ideas and designs, trillions of new components that will be used in Meat Based Processors. Blood and wires, meanings and thoughts, text and transforms, information and time....thought chunks converted into processors converted into a pure monolithic block of steel and so forth...

Posts: 1851
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:42 am

So Matter decides to subdivide itself in all combinations of Meat and Iron, blood and wires, processors and observers, everything you see is a schematic diagram for a new Brain Machine, for a new Experience Generating Contraption, it is all a sheet a paper describing new brain circuits, new sensory systems, new emotional contraptions, so many possibilities, a never ending design of new Minds executing new worlds and so forth.

SO the world is an instance of a given particular subdivision of Matter elements in Men and machines interacting, cities, and messages of Metal flowing through the networks (aka cars and highways, etc.) every electron is an instant singularity, I have seen trillions of incredible new worlds and singularities, you would never believe, and so everything is an instant singularity achieved, all items and entities, the more undetermined they are the better.

So time and thought chunks mixed with Flesh and Iron, Steel and Meat, memories and abstractions all mixed, all concepts mixed, all entities unknown, all colors are shown...time and space converted in to processors and ideas and designs, trillions of new components that will be used in Meat Based Processors. Blood and wires, meanings and thoughts, text and transforms, information and time....thought chunks converted into processors converted into a pure monolithic block of steel and so forth...

Posts: 1851
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:42 am

brain salad surgery...

Re: The Singularity in the FLESH

Postby nameta9 » Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:51 pm
brain salad surgery...

So upside down now: brains design complex schematics describing new more powerful brains and Observing Processors and other brains read these schematics and behold them and have even more intense experience sets and design even more incredible new brains which other brains them behold and so forth, in an exponential loop of ever expanding brain styles, processor systems, using chips and designs and wild ideas and craziness and contradictions and lies and playing around like little cry babies always increasing possibilities, experience sets, the real FLESH singularity achieved.

So it was the other way around: the computers would be used to achieve singularities in the FLESH, not the other way around with man designing the last computer that would then go on to design better instances of itself forever and reaching infinity and eternity in a moment, but the other way around, flesh brains designing imaginary, fake, but real exactly because they are not real and no longer have to obey to the Identity Principles and the Non Contradiction Principles, incredible new brains that would then make them design even better brains to infinity in a moment's time...

teddy boy

The Singularity in the FLESH

The Singularity in the FLESH

Postby nameta9 » Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:26 pm
The Singularity in the FLESH

I was reading a great site, a great read, very interesting:

So one idea that popped up in my mind is that the singularity doesn't really have to be computers becoming ever smarter and designing smarter computers: the opposite may happen, human FLESH brains, wet brains becoming ever smarter and smarter with the help of computers, the Internet and computers as an enabling technology making human minds smarter and smarter by letting these minds (and all kinds of minds across the world, all kinds of random interacting minds no longer limited by physical proximity) interact across the internet (and through transportation, jet planes, cars, etc. bringing people from other countries and continents in contact, technology expanding by using people as an enzyme and people expanding by using technology as an enzyme) and combine and expand knowledge and signals and information: in short computers are used as an enzyme by Man Brains to enhance themselves and so forth.

The Singularity in the FLESH, the human brains start self modifying themselves through all of the possible knowledge and interactions the web and computers can allow and so forth.

Just as Music is Mathematical Relationships upon (or on or of) Undetermined Entities, so consciousness, experience, existence may be viewed as Information Relationships on an indifferentiated substrate made up of FLESH and STEEL, Man and Machines, Carbon Chemistry and Silicon Chemistry, all kinds of delimitations of Matter separated into arbitrary entities, some made up of carbon chemistry, some made up of silicon, electronics, signals, microprocessors all interacting in a one block solid state civilization a one block solid state Observer Processor entity self manipulating itself: then you may distinguish FLESH brains and Computer Brains, and microprocessors, but the singularity may be diffused amongst all delimitations, some singularities happening in FLESH Brains and some in computer brains, a substrate of Matter divided into Men and Machines interacting, confusing each other creating ever more possibilities: like the internet can create millions of new brain designers, designing complex graphs and components, an art work describing incredible new brains, and the FLESH singularities occur by beholding such incredible new complex art works describing new brains, complex schematics trillions of pages long having trillions of components, etc. not the evolutionary singularity, but the instant singularity created by shoving a jet engine in a cranium and similar.

A combination of Man and Machines, of civilizations and mechanisms, a combination of ever changing and wildly different groups of people (countries, societies, individuals, etc.) interacting with and through machines and the machines interacting through and with the human FLESH portion of Matter with other machines all interacting in wildly unpredictable ways...using all kinds of theories and ideas, economies and programs, and new Universes and Laws of PHysics appearing all over ..


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Re: Gravity (traditional ideas, and RM)

Postby nameta9 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:07 am
"The reason for this attraction is not understood in traditional physics,"

The reason for X is not understood in traditional physics,

The reason for X is not understood in Y,

No matter how perfect Y is, no matter how many different and improved Ys there are, you will always find some X that cannot be "understood" in Y or in anything at all as the very idea of "understood" is vague, can mean so many different things, is subjective, etc. Anything can be declared understood well enough or not at all depending on the subjective measurements and expectations the Processing Subject is Executing...

And there is no end to the possible inventions of new Ys and Xs and so forth...


Monday, December 16, 2013

Don't believe me ?

And if you don't believe me just look at what happens when a war breaks out: countries can make all the "debts" they want, they can impose all possible expenditures they want, it is an "emergency" now, etc. Nothing further from the truth, countries can always impose any and all expenditures they want since money doesn't run out, since it is just a proxy for activity, for relationships and interactions, and when a country, a civilization, a region decides that it wants to do something, it does it no matter what the cost is. Money is never a problem only to become a problem when the powers that be, the ruling class decide to tighten the belt, just because, for no reason at all, just to squeeze the weak. Germany fought a world war against the whole world for 5 years and spent money like there is no tomorrow, the USA did the same so, now what happened to the "moeny runs out", "resource scarcity myths" ?

All the USA, EU and JAPAN don't want to spend to hire millions just because, for no reason at all: actually notice how the unemployment figures of JAPAN are always so low compared to the USA or EU, how does that work ? if the numbers are not cooked (which is a possibility, we can never know any truth), because they indeed do hire many millions to do nothing, bu hide the fact, they know that work is obsolete, but only to force them to make believe they work even harder by forcing them to stay at work until 10 at night until the "boss leaves": a better example of how little real work they do couldn't be found: beware, all those putting in so many hours are a bluff, they do very little real work always. It is all just a make a good impression on the boss...

tardy ted

The New World

The New World

Postby nameta9 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:34 am
I was notcing how most Music (alongside other technologies, science and so forth) has been discovered and conquered in the last 400 years or so.

As Music is mathematical relationships upon unidentified objects, or undetermined entities, it may be viewed also as a science and technology: SO much of it has been discovered from 1600 to 1700 (BACH) and from 1700 to 1800 (Beethoven) and the romantics from 1800 to 1900 (Wagner) and so forth. The 20th century just put a cork on all possible new discoveries, all of what could have been discovered in Music has now been discovered, we have a website that has 500,000 potential albums so all kinds of possible combinations of sound can be extracted and so forth: the 20th century just put all the nails in the coffin of possible Musical discovery, from Jazz, to Rock to Electronics and the Contemporary Classical which is the idea or any idea and pattern can be Music ended the exploration once and for good.

And this is the situation we find ourselves in by keeping our Brain - Mind in a stable format and state, instead of changing the way our Mind is designed and engineered, we run out of new possibilities: we may be in this state for many thousands of years until a Civilization starts to change their own Brain and Mind styles, starts exploring all of the possibilities by changing the Observer's Processor: in that case we will be in an exact opposite situation: the possible combinations of new Mind Designs and hence Experience Sets is so large, that even trillions upon trillions of years and experiences can never even start to explore it all.

Make your choice : either run out of all, or embrace that which can never run out.


China Spearheads Forward

China Spearheads Forward

Postby nameta9 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:20 am
China Spearheads Forward

SO China landed a robot on the moon: they are going forward, they want to go forward, they like large, huge collective endeavors, they have to keep their millions of young and potentially unemployed doing something, they create large scale, collective efforts, large scale efforts that occupy many thousands of people for a collective, generalized good, for all, and so forth, the idea of a collective effort, many doing for one objective and so forth. The exact opposite of the USA and EU idea of everyone becoming their own boss and inventing their own startup (all an excuse to make everyone become poor and blame it on the poor workers who couldn't invent the next big thing).

The USA is in low gear now, they just print billions and hand it out to banks and the rich: no money here for huge large scale collective efforts like high speed trains all across the country, rockets to mars and so forth.

Europe is even much worse: a continent of greedy little punks always chanting that money must be balanced, you "can't spend more than you make" and all other kinds of insane, crazy and absurd BS: how is it possible that they don't notice that the world is no longer the 18th century manufacturing sweatshop and that the technological economy has changed all the equations once and for all: Work is not needed, is an optional, is obsolete, is destined to disappear more and more, hence you must, you are forced to give out free salaries and hire millions of young kids to do NOTHING AT ALL, exactly, to do nothing since there is no work needed anymore: we need consumerism more than anything else, huge consumerisms that prop up "Growth", work is no longer needed, is a dime a dozen, can be done anywhere on earth for a few pennies, work is totally irrelevant to the way the modern economy works, we have huge excess capacity (both as number of workers and as production of items both abstract and concrete) in all sectors, in all specializations, we have way more than we will ever need, hence the Euro zone should print trillions of dollars and hire millions of young kids and finally give them a salary, even to do nothing at all (although the hypocritical and stupid psychology of people will always invent millions of useless activities just to show that they are "working" when this activity is irrelevant).

And by the way, the world is awash with trillions of dollars, there has never been so much cash hanging around not doing nothing, trillions upon trillions looking out for some return: that money is automatically generated by a technological economy and will never run out and can never (even if it wanted to) run out, actually it keeps on increasing more and more, you just can't stop it, but the rich keep on hogging more and more of it, they are stuffed, they are choking on it while all the economists and governments worldwide keep on chanting that they can't hire millions of young kids (even to do nothing at all, who cares) and give them free homes because they are "broke" and by creating all imaginary interdictions and rules that can't be broke, all fake imaginary interdictions and roadblocks that are simply a ghost and figment of imagination just like all thought is based mostly on imaginary roadblocks and rules of what is or can be while most entities, activities and things are all open and free and there are very rarely any rules only arbitrary interdictions and will powers operating and power structures and inequality of power and so forth.

But alongside this we need huge collective projects and goals, huge transcontinental goals hiring and activating millions of people to do "real work" like building trillions of skyscrapers, making Atomic Energy Power PLants (the only real future energy source ever), Rockets to Mars and so forth: so we need the USA and JAPAN and Europe to print trillions of dollars on the one hand and hire millions of people to do nothing at all and hire other millions of people to do all these large scale global collective projects and goals and so forth: we need to go forward and get out of this idiotic idea that the invisible hand of the market will hire people and create jobs, that the Startup myth will create the "future jobs" (when all of this technology and startup - innovation stuff will kill ever more jobs by automation and so forth) or that we need more training and education so the young unemployed can be hired and so forth: exactly hired to do what ? exactly what training is needed ? computer programming ? call center jobs ? are they crazy or what, we have millions now trained to do anything worldwide, work is a dime a dozen, what we really need need is that governments hand out free salaries and especially cheap rents to all the young who will never find any job and be able to rent a house and so forth.

And especially build millions of houses, millions of apartments and real estate so that the value of real estate finally becomes ZERO, what its real value is given how easy real estate could be built with so many millions of unemployed and idled youngsters worldwide.

Get it all through your think heads: we are no longer in the 18th century, the game has completey changed, go back to school all you economists (protecting the rich with this sick work centered mentality) and learn something real.


and also barbie confused, stne chrome videa, shpack a lack, cinderella crazy, yellow funk machine, teddy boys we are the barbie girsl we are the teddy girls and so forth...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Economic Growth is INFLATION

Economic Growth is INFLATION

Postby nameta9 » Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:52 pm
Economic Growth is INFLATION

I was noticing a pattern that repeats in economies that are developed: after the inital growth period when going from poor to middle class like the EU or JAPAN went from in the 1950s to 1970s, inflation kicks in as a stimulus to growth, forces growth by giving an incentive for buying now instead of later, since prices will be higher later, and so forth, and so this happened especially in Real Estate prices and home prices and rents, etc.

JAPAN had a huge real estate prices inflation from 1980 to 1992, and then the party ended and could not use inflation as a means to grow anymore: also inflation disguises the real value of an economy by making it seem as if it is always getting richer and richer if only through its nominal monetary values, wages increase, but mostly due to inflation, but it looks like growth, it looks like a country is getting richer and there is a heated economic activity since people buy now and buy more and more because "tomorrow prices will be higher", and especially in homes and real estate, a real frenzy kicks in, the prices go up, people buy "now" because the prices will be higher in the future, developers build more homes since it is all profit (a great "investment", the values of homes can only go up), but mostly profit from inflation and this hysterical feedback loop of ever increasing prices and "get yours before it is too late" and so forth.

Overheated economies, more demand than supply, people must buy their house, the prices go up and people will follow the prices anywhere, and the prices of everything else goes up, and "salaries are increasing too, wages are increasing", we are all getting richer and richer, the economy is GROWING.

A very elegant way to create a gigantic make believe, to make everyone feel richer, to make them feel as if they are getting richer and richer: but then, the music stops, the party ends and you end up having 20 years of stagnation like in JAPAN and ITALY. You end up having a huge hangover - headache of high real estate prices crystallized forever after the party is over. But especially, you end up having hugely inflated real estate prices that no longer correspond to what the economy is, but the prices remain high forever, stick to high level while everything else starts to decay. So renting a home becomes impossible for normal salaries, renting office space or stores becomes impossible for normal activities and so forth, and the banks all have their values and wealth tied into real estate, locked forever in that safe, that safe that will kill off the economy.

This is especially true in JAPAN and ITALY, but also Spain and eventually China, India, you name it, even in the USA, although the USA is the most flexible and reactive economy and can still modify real estate prices compared to all the other very rigid economies: because those static economies like JAPAN and ITALY have huge debts, public debts and can only base the eventual payoff of those debts on the now fake real estate values they have (although the values were always fake, there is no way that a home can be valued at more than 100,000 dollars, ten times the value of a car in a normal world, but in these countries homes are valued 300,000 dollars for puny 50 square meter shit holes, go figure, but it felt great for everyone when their home values kept on going higher and higher, they were all getting richer (only to then never think of how their kids would ever manage to rent or buy a home in the future at such prices, now their kids will pay the bill staying in mom's basement until they retire (if they even can work?))): they are forced to keep those prices forever high or else their entire economy finally reveals their real value: ZERO, Detroit on steroids, failed bankrupt states, etc.

An 80 square meter home in Rome, ITALY tripled in value every ten years for 4 decades: it cost 5,000 dollars in 1966, 15,000 in 1976, 50,000 in 1986, 150,000 in 1996 and finally 400,000 in 2006: sounds familiar ? there are parts of the USA where this happened (NYC, San Francisco), London is even worse, Tokyo I think was just as bad if not even worse, Canada is now doing the same idiotic thing, the same party, etc.

And while these prices grow,their "economies are growing" and "doing well", the FED states that they hope that home prices start to go up again: are they crazy or what ? how is an economy where a basic good (also like health care in the USA) keeps on climbing "growing" or "doing well" ? beats me...

Anyways, I think that most growth that occurred in the 2nd half of the 20th century in Europe, JAPAN and other places was mostly growth through inflation, through price inflation, making believe normal things are much more valuable than what they are and by doing so stimulating growth and buying since "buying is better now than tomorrow when prices will be even higher". Also this inflation made the GDP numbers huge, hugely higher than what the real economies are: there is no way that the GDP of ITALY is 1 trillion dollars, the place is poor and cannot possible have a GDP corresponding to such values, but the inflation of costs and values masks how poor an economy is and makes it seem as if they are all so rich (and the same thing applies to many other economies, the GDP numbers are a farce).

Now most of the developed world finds itself in stagnation or deflation which is good: but they will now keep the burden of absurdly high real estate prices and these prices will kill the economies in the end since no one and nothing can make them crash as they deserve to go, they should crash baby crash, go down like crazy, but too many people want to fool themselves that they are rich: they will starve to death but their homes will always be worth a huge amount of money...ITALY take notice unless you want to become a Detroit on Steroids...

So CHINA, this is your future, keep on building apartments, keep those prices high, much higher than the puny salaries you give your slob workers, same for you India, and have fun when the party ends...

tardy ted
Posts: 1843
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:42 am

The Final Solution.

The Final Solution.

The point is that there is no future for anyone if the governments worldwide don't start huge projects, projects building homes, hiring millions upon millions even to do nothing at all, it doesn't matter, what counts is that those hired get cash and can consume and buy stuff from the other parts of the economy, etc., projects building high speed train lines across the world, rockets to Mars, hiring by the millions, all kinds of projects, etc. Cheap rents, and free salaries, cheap rents so that real estate doesn't drain huge amounts of money from the consumer economy especially in Europe JAPAN and the developing countries like Russia, Brazil, India, China, Indonesia etc.

This is the only thing that can create "Economic Growth" and Development and Distribution of wealth to all of the other 100s of millions of unemployed slobs worldwide. But we live in an era where everyone wants to beat up everyone else, everyone is seen as a liability towards everyone else, no one deserves anything since they are considered all lazy layabouts (everyone considers everyone else worthless and non deserving and guilty for being alive), all lazy welfare queens and kings who "don't want to work" and so forth. All in punishment mode. No one deserves anything, only if they invent some great Startup do they deserve anything: there is this obsession with having to deserve it, with having merit, with being better than the other slob and so forth: a totally obsolete, old fashion idea, that no longer operates in a technological economy, a technological economy operates on automatic drive, it is all automatic, the personal talent is meaningless, it is all about large scale networks and structures, large scale networks of transportation and electricity and energy and economies of scale and so forth.

This crazy idea that the market will create jobs by itself, that everyone should invent their new job everyday, everyone is an entrepreneur and inventor, (in other worlds it really means that everyone is left to their own devices and good luck with that which also means we don't give a crap about millions of unemployed and poor people worldwide, they may just go and fly a kite, they "deserve their unemployment since they are not trained enough") that the economy will automatically create jobs if the enterprise owners are left alone "to hire" is totally flawed and doesn't work: the jobs the developed world has are more than 50 % due to government money one way or another since they would never be enough jobs for everyone, not even by a long shot: just think of how much is dumped into education jobs, health care, the military and so forth, the financial fluff industry and so forth, all indirectly government money, all indirect money: nothing natural or automatic here, it is all forced expenditures since nothing is natural and automatic anymore.

So then just be honest and demand the governments to dump trillions upon trillions into hiring millions and creating large scale projects, the invisible hand of the market will only kill ever more jobs and make everyone poor in the end. The FED should dump their trillions of dollars into this instead of handing over all the printed fairy tale money to banks and the rich.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

up, up and away


This also explains the obsession on "GROWTH", on the GDP growing, on growth and expanding of all kinds of things, this obsession with numbers getting bigger, the "INVESTMENT" obsession, the idea tht something has to grow automatically, always, it must grow, it either grows or it contracts, either up or down, either you are winning or losing and so forth. The graphs with the lines all going up and so forth, all the meetings of corporations with all of those graphs showing a line going up, always up up and away.

But this is obviously not realty, reality cannot obviously really operate like this: you have periods of "growth" and periods of contraction, ups and downs, growth is not natural or automatic or a given and if you are not growing it doesn't mean you are dying and sick and so forth.

But this growth concept is really a proxy for "profit", for gain, for "I am winning more" and so forth, the idea that something can't stay still but must generate a profit, a return, it has to go up no matter what: and this is what happens, in the form of inflation, growth in the end is forced by its own obsession, only nothing real grows, only inequality (and the creation of new power structures, new strong guys against weak losers) and prices of basics where you can squeeze people, so the health care prices grow and inflate forever, same with homes and college costs and this is really the sign of a dying society, people must squeeze each other to death since they can't come to terms with a different outlook and accept free salaries, cheap rents and that work is no longer necessary since a technological economy got rid of work once and for all.

But people obvioulsy love inequality since they all think they are "better" than the poor loser...


A Simpler Explanation ?

A Simpler Explanation ?

Could it be a simple loss of incentive ? If person A cannot make a profit anymore, cannot gain something by "working" or "investing" or any activity, economic activity anymore, cannot gain "an upper hand", or "win something against another person", or make a gain, especially a gain against another person or entity, especially a "win" to the detriment of another person, which makes it more "valuable" (since you gain and the other suffers, and it makes you feel better, superior and good and so forth),  person A will stop doing, will stop "working", will stop investing, will stop doing anything, just like the NEETS (not in education or working).

And this can be the real situation of the "Economy" worldwide and in general, it is harder and harder to make investments, work and gain: case in point, if you do find a job anywhere, as soon as you want to do something more, you want something else, like get out of living in your mom's basement and maybe rent your own small home to rent (for a kid) the cost of renting takes away such a large chunk of your salary that it is just not worth it, it is just not worth it anymore, why work and not have anything left when it all goes away for rent and other obligatory expenses ? So there is no longer any incentive. And so it is with many endeavors, many situations where profits are minimal, because markets are saturated, or can be easily saturated and so forth. You can work and keep on living in your mom's basement and save some cash and then what ? buy a new car and take some trips and those 20,000 dollars of cash you saved up in 2 or 3 years all goes down the drain anyways, many think it is not even worth working at all anymore, who cares about a few trips and a new car ?

So the economy stops, starts contracting and so on. Bubbles are the only thing that can prop it up, get it going again, albeit for only a temporary period of time, a temporary illusion that so many people can make a killer gain by buying and increasing home prices for example or dot com web sites (like in the period from 1997 to 2002). We need illusions, make believes, bubbles, we need INFLATION more than anything else, inflating prices giving the illusion of making a gain, inflating HEALTH CARE prices to give the incentives to work in HEALTH CARE (and make everyone feel sick and believe they are sick and they will need and make them need ever more health care) or COLLEGE PRICES, bubbles and make believes, a temporary illusion that something normal, something average is all of a sudden worth a lot more, brainwash people and even if it only lasts a few years you will make a killing profit on it and so forth. A temporary falsification of reality, a temporary fairy tale everyone believes in and generates a lot of economic activity that is destined to end, the perfect example is home price inflations and McMansions and everyone buying McMansions on loaned money that will never be paid back again and so forth. Or the "START UP" mythology, everyone starting their own company thinking they will be the new Bill Gates, all these great inventers making it big (how can people believe such BS ? inventing something new and profitable is something that happens once in a blue moon, everything else is a make believe bubble, is an illusion, only one in ten thousand can possibly make it big). Notice people don't want "NORMAL" don't want a simple job, a decent salary and low home prices and rents, they all want to be superstars and by wanting this they all become poor slobs in the end, a poorer and poorer society.

But the game ends, these kinds of games end, you can only invent and force so many bubbles in the end, people may start learning their lesson and not buy into all the HIGH REAL ESTATE values and prices anymore and so on (although there is no limit on how stupid and repetitive people are and how much you can fool them and how many times they can fall into the same traps).

The economy did well from 1950 to 2000 only because of a given combination of mutual gains and decently priced goods and a decent amount of work for a lot of people given the technological level of those decades and so forth: that was a quirk, a momentary quirk of conditions that will never come back again (no outsourcing and chinese workers taking your job away and so forth).

So given this situation of economies destined to naturally contract and run out of gas in the long run as all incentives to do anything decrease, the bubbles fade away, the profits become minimum and so on and it becomes harder and harder to gain an upper hand against anyone else at all, what can be done ?

Huge government projects, huge construction projects building trillions of skyscrapers and new homes and new high speed train lines and rockets to Mars, huge public works hiring millions even to do nothing at all all across the world, as there really is very little new possible work needing to be done anyways, free salaries and cheap rents, we must get out of this idea that a profit based, profit seeking economy will get us anywhere anymore and embrace huge consumerism and government led and enforced economies creating huge projects free salaries and cheap rents.

Half of Philadelphia is made up of old crappy homes, tear it all down and build millions of new skyscrapers, cheaply priced luxury apartments and so on and then ten years later tear it all down again and build huge suburbs all over it again, all over again and so on, force development and projects, colonize Mars and so forth.

Will this be done ? No, all the economic politics worldwide are doing the exact opposite, firing government workers, closing factories (no profit, no work) everything is contacting, there is no future, all in punishment mode. The end result will be greater and greater poverty for all. Now keep on saying that people are lazy slobs and must be fired, go on keep on saying that we don't need to pay taxes (since taxes pay other people) and they are robbing "your hard earned money" and all other kinds of BS, keep on saying they need more "education and training" more "innovation" and research to "create jobs" when no one on earth really even understands any of how all this BS can be connected to new jobs and job creation when more innovation and reserarch and education's principle and major goal is to eliminate jobs and automate work, is to kill jobs so that greater profits can be made for the fewer and fewer enterprise owners and so forth.