Busty says:
our cultural paradigm, we seek a rationale to evaluate everything, and
economics are usually used to justify using and abusing nature.
Economics seems to dominate this particular age, not art, or even
science. We are all programmed extensively from a young age to regard it
as the penultimate source of value and necessity."
Apester replies:
folks ! The Apester is back again! As far as the Economic Principle
being the unifying value of a society, the God and Religion of a
society, just like "Education" and "Studying" is kind of the Religion of
South Korea, well, all societies need large scale Narratives, large
scale Numbers to measure themselves, they all need some common ground in
which everyone believes in, thinks about, in which they all are "Part
of Something" and such: our society has a Number the GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) and similar numbers and statistics (a lot of them dealing with
Cash, Money and such, like Unemployment, the "Economy" and such) that
unify all thought and values and goals and targets and creates an
imaginary "Collective Result" a "Collective Achievment", an "Aggregation
of Result" (we are all soldiers marching on and winning the war of
GDP), in the form of statistics and numbers in which to compare
countries with other countries to see "Who is Doing Better" and such.
anyone looking at this number and this value from the outside will
immediately see what a joke it actually is: a number representing all
transactions in a society and assigned as a GDP and meaning how rich a
society is and such. I can easily envision of Civilization a few decades
from now not even able to understand what all the fuss was about, what
exactly was being measured, what it could possibly mean, what use it
had, they would conclude that GDP and the Economy and all the statistics
were just another fluke Religion, like so many inventions of Man, a
religion that is a joke made up of clowns and such, etc. The abstraction
of the GDP is one of highest possible, add all kinds of different
things together and call it a number and yet since elementary school
they always taught us not to add apples and oranges and such.
the Man Brain and a society need something to tie itself together, need
common ground meanings and targets and understandings and such: and the
Economy and all of its BS is one of those Major Elements of our
Civilization, the Rich and Poor, the Unemployment, the "Jobs" (another
total joke as in no one ever asks exactly what activities people should
do for 8 hours a day everyday and be paid for, exactly what kinds of
things must be done that should be done that already hasn't been done ?
None at all, and in fact Jobs are destined to become extinct just like
all of our other substructures and ideas and concepts and all).
alas, Man is the Infinitely Programmable Machine, anything goes, he can
become anything, invent anything, assign anything and it is all ok as
long as it lasts, which it won't because nothing can last forever and
A person I know just came back from GERMANY and said that
they have very little unemployment (maybe all the jobs the Southern
European countries lost went to Germany ?), kids come out of high school
and have many job offerings and such. And in general, the Northern
European Countries (Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark,
Finland, Sweden, Norway) all have perfect economies, all have jobs and
all works well and such while the Southern European countries, Italy,
Portugal Spain all suck with high unemployment and such. This got me
thinking: the Southern countries are "insecure", people in these places
do not trust each other, they tend to hike up prices of Real Estate a
lot, they have conflicts in work and jobs, they like to fight and
conflict, they suck where as the northern countries do not have
conflicts, they agree on common grounds, they are not as insecure and
they don't need real estate as much in order to feel secure and such.
this is only because the Northern countries have an established society
where everyone does what needs to be done without conflict, they hire
people even if they don't need them just to keep society fluid, they
have a lot of subtle flexibilities within their societies, they are not
insecure and the people trust each other, there is a lot of trust
whereas in the South they all mistrust each other, everyone feels as if
the next guy is going to rip him off, they have many legal cases,
conflicts fights, etc.
So you see,a society can self program
itself in any possible way, you just need to be sure everyone plays ball
in the same way, they are all on the same page and such.
THIS APESTER WILL SELF DESTRUCT IN TEN SECONDS (Background music of Mission Impossible plays... Da Da Do Do Da Da Du Du...)
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