Your Problem is My Solution
trillion people living in Tent Cities and a trillion empty McMansions
that cost a million dollars each, better yet a trillion people crushed
together in 10 square feet of room space, just for fun, just for the
kicks of it, to obtain ever more and higher pleasure as ever more pain
is inflicted, while you have trillions of empty huge luxury McMansions,
oh what fun, that is so cool, that is what I want, like a cry baby, I
want the expression of inequality to be affirmed, the expression of
power and status to be confirmed, the winner wins big time and wins ever
more as the pain on the losers is inflicted ever more and the winner
has all of those McMansions all for himself, so cool, that is
Metaphysical Justice Obtained. That is spiritually correct.
many people don't understand is that there is no common ground, there is
no Win Win situation in economics, the very economy exists only because
there is inequality (and must always be, ever more and higher
inequality to produce ever more economic activity), there is a winner
and a loser always, there will always be winners and losers and the
winners will do all they can to maintain their status relationship,
their upper hand, they will do all they can to render the status and
power (as money is a proxy for power and status and how much pain you
can inflict on the losers essentially) relationship invariant, even by
brainwashing you of how we are all "working together" for the "common
good" or whatever. The very engine of the economy is the inequality of
power, is the possibility to use others as tools on behalf of some
others and so forth: without that reward, without the comparison,
without the power relationship and poker game where you can win or lose,
without the risk and always changing situations, and the possibility of
losing your status and status changing hands, the economy would halt
and die, it couldn't function, greed and egotism and being a hog is
exactly what any economy is all about, and how all those impulses and
forces interact and change and change hands and such.
So all the
talk of a "Healthy Economy" and "Productivity" and "Competitive Economy"
(especially all the BS on Training and Education and Innovation, all
such huge crap) and such is BS, is just a fairy tale to make everyone
think that we are working together for a common good, for something we
all have in common, when in all truth, there is nothing in common with
anyone or anything, it is each man for himself out to get you. It is
actually a logical error to consider the economy as being "healthy" or
"good" or working and such, the economy is just a random mix of
contrasting forces going anywhere and ending up anywhere with a set of
winners and losers (that at least have a better chance of changing
places more often in the USA (more flexible economy, hire and fire,
always change mentality) than in the rest of the world where status and
relationship forces are so rigid and ingrained, etc.), end of story.
did create a real Win Win situation, real growth and improvement was
the application of technology to all productive endeavors in the 20th
century, the Technological Economy generating free wealth that ended up
really trickling down to most people, by shear quantity and force and
economy of scales, and by some market forces, some capitalism, and a
lucky combination of forces and status relationships that weren't too
strictly enforced and too rigid and invariant as is now: case in point,
the cost of renting or buying a house compared to minimum wage a few
decades ago and today (you could rent a house with 30 % of a minimum
wage in the 60s and 70s and now you need more than 60 % of a minimum
wage, etc.).
But to really understand the economy, you can say
that the only real mechanism that is working is that of creating
problems to some and those problems and their solution is the the
solution to problems for others: I want to make cash by building homes, I
will hike the prices of the homes as high as possible, so I will solve
my problem of making a profit by creating a problem for you, I will gain
cash and you will have to pay a lot of cash, your problem is my
The fairy tale and myth of market forces automatically
adjusting the costs of housing and problems and solution mix doesn't
operate anymore: the status relationships are invariant and rigid, the
winner wins ever more, the loser loses ever more, housing used as a
weapon is destined to continue no matter what, YOUR PROBLEM IS MY SOLUTION, there is no solution to this situation, it will always be like this.
especially, when they say "Spark Growth", no one ever says that housing
costs must go way down, must be as cheap as possible for other parts of
the economy to grow, no one wants to make the cost of housing Crash
Baby Crash, like it should, the powers that be want to maintain the
status relationship represented by high housing costs forever invariant
no matter what.
So how on earth is the economy going to grow when
housing costs are still so high ? A 3 bedroom house in Manhattan and
Los Angeles or Silicon Valley should cost no more than 100,000 dollars
and outside important areas no more that 50,000 dollars. And the same in
London, Tokyo, Paris and Moscow, Madrid and Rome, etc.
By the
way, housing costs are hugely higher in the puny rest of the world
compared to the USA, Spain still has insanely high housing costs for
small apartments in Madrid, what are they waiting for to crash the
prices like crazy ? A house in failed city of Madrid should not cost
more than 20,000 dollars, bar none. And in Rome the situation is even
more insane: even there houses should cost no more than 50,000 dollars
in the center of the city (and Rome has a huge Housing Bubble that no
one still noticed, go figure, they have prices way higher than the
maximum prices that where operating in the USA and Spain at the height
of their housing bubble just before it popped, but Italy is another
failed and bankrupt state just waiting to roll over and die). And what
about London ? Another insane city, they must be crazy or what ?!?! the
prices of apartments must crash like crazy there, but you have all of
these rich turds worldwide buying houses in London hiking up the prices
so they can "protect their money" and especially "express their status
relationship" to the rest of the world, and use housing as a weapon
against the poor in London and such.
Same for Moscow and Bangkok
and Tokyo and Seoul, housing prices must crash like crazy, etc. And then
especially these puny make believe "developed economies" would like to
grow, but how can they with such huge housing prices, another example
why the myth of growth in the rest of the world outside of the USA is
impossible structurally, the powers that be and the status relationships
that are operating in the rest of the world will ensure that there will
always be very little growth (real growth as increased consumption on
behalf of the average worker, like in the USA) and they will keep on
hogging up as much cash as possible through high housing costs and such.
then, all the debates rotate around what is "objectively operating"
what is "scientifically operating" and such, when in all things social
and economics, there is no objectivity, only decisions and choices
forced upon everyone else, only brainwashing, only convincing everyone
that things are in a "certain way". So you can say that there is so much
unemployment and so little work available, and everyone will believe
it, and the next day say that there are millions of jobs available and
so much work to do etc. when in all truth work and jobs is an arbitrary
concept, is a subjective idea and invention, if everyone agrees that
there is all this work to do companies will hire millions to do all
kinds of invented (or real ? who knows and who can tell ?) jobs, just to
hose them all the next day and repeat the cycle forever: the bottom
line, there is no static objective truth or reality, only ideologies,
subjectivities, new problems invented and new jobs, and new problems
solved and jobs killed, and new decisions, always changing (always
looking for profits or the possibility of your status changing position
?) and such.
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