Re: Pubilc Debts - The Truth
Amorphos wrote:They just need to create more 'artificial wealth' [is that what it is?] for the third world, and in a manner that fits the logic – so to say. e.g. fits the story being told.
There is no artificial wealth, only power struggles, distributions of money representing wealth and so on. A Technological Economy generates tons of REAL WEALTH which has no way to be distributed since people "Must Deserve It", hence the distribution of money is always a conditional, always dependent on some aribtrary value system, some aribtrary "reason" to distribute it, someone deciding (and thus having much power) who or where or what money will be distributed to who etc. All the BS language and politics and so forth that all the economists chant about like workers must be competitive, or cost too much, or we need more innovation and so on is simply a secret code saying that money will be distributed only if certain conditions, aesthetic conditions are achieved, according to what fake, arbitrary, almost moralistic model countries and economies follow.
But mostly money is distributed because a "Profit Must Be Made", hence the huge worldwide real estate price inflations and overconstructions that occured in the USA and Spain and so forth: the only reason why the homes were built was because the prices kept on increasing every month, homes in Spain tripled in price in 6 years (they tripled in Italy too, only they still don't notice it, they still can't see how insanely high their home prices are compared to their puny salaries), in the USA they sometimes doubled (flip that house! TV shows, etc.) and so forth, hence the "productive forces" of a Technological Economy are activated and can freely express all their power (just like in the last world wars, only now we have even more power). Also a huge Credit Bubble appeared, meaning Free Cash to all, hence subprime loans and this too is a result of the power of a Technological Economy generating trillions of dollars of extra cash worldwide that doesn't know how to be used to make a profit, hence through the worldwide banking systems, got loaned out to all the poor fools in the USA and Spain so that they too could "buy a house".
Now in Spain they want to demolish thousands of buildings (they have hundreds of thousands of new empty homes (that always cost too much compared to the puny Spainsh salaries), and the buildings are quite nice looking, take a look at it with Street View Google Maps) hoping to make the prices "go back up again", not noticing how insane the whole ball game is. Creative Destruction and it will increase the GDP of Spain as destroying wealth and breaking things up counts as a positive just as much as building things up, go figure...
We are actually too rich to know what to do with ourselves, a Technological Economy generates real wealth, can build millions of homes easily, can give it out to all for almost free, we just can't wrap our heads around this, hence we create the debts mechanisms, and the profits mechanisms and we make everyone play the game of who is winning against who is losing, who is gaining cash to the detriment of who else, all a poker game etc.
The greens say that some externality is paying for this free wealth generating technology, the climate, the environment, the limited oil in the ground we are exploiting once and for all and so on: I tend to not believe this story line, yes, some of it is true, yes there are limitations, yes, there are problems, but they can be solved somewhow if we want, the real limitations are all psychological, social, political, stone age brains reasoning according to systems that have completely changed. Just look at Peak Oil, they have been warning us for decades of oil ending, we now have a glut of energy, gas, wind, solar and so forth, I see no energy limits here: maybe the only real environmental limit is the CO2 in the atmosphere and global climate change, this may be a real danger, but anyways...
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