Beware, No One Notices...
Beware, No One Notices...
The years from 2001 to now can be divided into two segments: from 2001 to 2007 about, the twin towers attacks, terrorism, airplane security and especially the wars in Irak and Afganistan were the FOCUS of news, politics, debates, movements, etc. And then, all of a sudden, the Economic crisis of 2007 - 2008 and the continuous recession or low economic growth period (especially of the EU, but also the USA)dominated all the news and focus and erased the focus from terrorism and Irak.
It is as if there was an intentionality to take the focus off 2 lost and blunder wars, Irak and Afganistan and focus the worldwide public opinion on something else, and what better else could that be than economic problems ?
And in fact what will take the focus off this now 7 years long economic crisis can only be another powerful terrorist attack against the USA or EU, so beware, Al Qaeda or whatever they are may be preparing some big show, sometime in the near future: and then it is only a question of probability, after so many years with no big attack to the west, they probably are preparing something and this will end all the focus on the economy.
What is really mind boggling is how fast Irak went off the radar, how fast everyone forgot about that total s*ithole and failed state and civil war and how the war against the dictator was probably a bad idea and badly executed and so forth. From 2002 to 2006 the total focus was all on Irak and the war and Bushes "if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem" and so forth. And then after the 2008 crisis everyone simply completely forgot about it and talked about the economy, the tea party, occupy wall street, the EU debt crisis and so forth.
So strange, maybe there was a definite conspiracy and plan to let the economic crisis explode exactly in the year 2007 - 8 to make everyone forgot about the twin towers and the Irak war and terrorism and such. A planned economic crisis by some "powers that be" ? ....
The years from 2001 to now can be divided into two segments: from 2001 to 2007 about, the twin towers attacks, terrorism, airplane security and especially the wars in Irak and Afganistan were the FOCUS of news, politics, debates, movements, etc. And then, all of a sudden, the Economic crisis of 2007 - 2008 and the continuous recession or low economic growth period (especially of the EU, but also the USA)dominated all the news and focus and erased the focus from terrorism and Irak.
It is as if there was an intentionality to take the focus off 2 lost and blunder wars, Irak and Afganistan and focus the worldwide public opinion on something else, and what better else could that be than economic problems ?
And in fact what will take the focus off this now 7 years long economic crisis can only be another powerful terrorist attack against the USA or EU, so beware, Al Qaeda or whatever they are may be preparing some big show, sometime in the near future: and then it is only a question of probability, after so many years with no big attack to the west, they probably are preparing something and this will end all the focus on the economy.
What is really mind boggling is how fast Irak went off the radar, how fast everyone forgot about that total s*ithole and failed state and civil war and how the war against the dictator was probably a bad idea and badly executed and so forth. From 2002 to 2006 the total focus was all on Irak and the war and Bushes "if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem" and so forth. And then after the 2008 crisis everyone simply completely forgot about it and talked about the economy, the tea party, occupy wall street, the EU debt crisis and so forth.
So strange, maybe there was a definite conspiracy and plan to let the economic crisis explode exactly in the year 2007 - 8 to make everyone forgot about the twin towers and the Irak war and terrorism and such. A planned economic crisis by some "powers that be" ? ....
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