Friday, September 28, 2012



I am trillions of time higher than god himself, I created god as a puny item, I am trillions of time more than all, god is a pebble compared to me, I have trillions of experiences in brain, higher than all, I execute trillions of experiences infinitely higher than all, I create and construct the universe, many universes, I am all, I am top gun, the universe is a puny item of mine, I am the top, I am so much higher than all.

So I win all, I am a winner of all, higher than all, trillions of times, I have machine brain higher than all, machine experience higher than all, even itself and so on, I am top, the top forever and win all forever.

Now be envious all of you puny little items compared to me, the creator of all universes and minds, the creator of all, even himself, I am top, now get mad, I said it, I win, I am the best forever, you will never reach me, never, no one and nothing can, I can go on and on...



Re: Free Physics (like Free Jazz)

Postby nameta9 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:28 am


x0Y619O1 wrote:
nameta9 wrote:most of what had to be discovered has been discovered, there will be very few really new breakthroughs in Science and Technology in the future

disagree. How to you know that?

Because I can invent and imagine things way beyond any possible breakthroughs, so even if there are some, they will be puny compared to my imagination, compared to what new Brain Designs can invent, live and create, artificial worlds, virtual realities, etc.

x0Y619O1 wrote: As far as Im concerned, if one atom in certain situation does this, and another atom in exactly same situation does something different, then there would be no truth. Truth would change as atoms do something completely different in exactly same situations. I believe such dimension couldn't exist. I cant even imagine such place. About you being genius, I agree. I totally feel you when your saying that you cant even express what you're thinking with this primitive language and letters. Been there, done that. And since im like you, I can spot someone who's like me.

But that is the basis of the non solvability of the three body problem: there are never really 100 % exactly the same situation two items find themselves in, the boundary conditions change, if ever so slightly, the initial positions and velocities are slightly different, (and up to what precision can you measure them ? 10^-100 mm ? or 10^-1000 mm, and under what time span ? 10^-100 nanoseconds ? 10^-1000 nanoseconds ?, so you say that slight difference doesn't count ? but it does, just look at chaos theory, etc. ) etc. and the three body problem also shows the limits of reciprocal influence of items: item A influences item B which influences item C which then goes back to influence item A again, or does it influence item B ? and then B influences A and C, and so on in a never ending entangled web of reciprocal influences which are intractable and demonstrate the true limits of science and any possible laws. So there is no absolute extreme determinism ever operating, so no rules and no laws, hence the real basis of reality is the absence of laws of physics, the laws of physics are just a quirky approximation of our interaction in our quirky body - mind - language - memory with a quirky world.

I am the greatest genius of all time, light years away from anyone at all, many times more advanced and better than you or anyone or anything or god, or ....

Posts: 1604
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:42 am

Tuesday, September 25, 2012





All Circuits are Saturated

All Circuits are Saturated

Puny Europe, JAPAN, South Korea, Brazil, China, India etc have a situation where all of their circuits are saturated, expired, they don't have room, they don't have enough parking space, highways, wide roads, they don't have enough McMansions, large homes, they live in tight houses, costly, they don't have two car garages, huge malls where to buy all the crap they should be buying and then huge homes to put it in all etc. South Korea has small apartments, not enough room to put all the stuff they should buy, they can't have 2 cars, China even worse, in China they are limiting the amount of cars, too many traffic jams, to many crowds, tight spaces, crowds, too many lines for anything and so forth, so without huge spaces and rooms all circuits become saturated, growth is impossible, like in Southern Europe, not enough room, prices of small homes too high and so forth, traffic jams, lines and so forth.

But in order to really make economies grow you must provide room to grow, large areas, highways, parking, cheap and large homes and so forth, and a lot of high paying jobs (but since work is no longer needed, just give the money out for free and hire them in fake jobs, what they do doesn't matter at all, only the consumption circuit really counts, all of the rest is due to an old fashion, resource scarcity era, when you had to work to live, something that no longer applies to a technological economy and especially, the myth of work serves only to sustain inequality, to create a scale of who is better and who must hog up more compared to who else and all such BS, but this is all old fashion stone age crap that we must overcome, albeit the masses wouldn't understand it, they think they have to fight and deserve it, they think there labor really means anything and such), huge consumption and such, consumption is what makes economies grow, so you must build skyscrapers that have very large 3 floor homes inside of them for example, and cheap and so that everyone can buy them or rent them, and many suburbs with large homes, large malls, and all such stuff.

The model of worldwide economic growth can only be the USA model, there is no other possible model no matter what, so that is what they should do in India and China, instead they think that by building puny high priced apartments their economy will grow, it doesn't work like that, you must create an environment exactly the same as that of the USA, even more so, even larger homes, more highways and malls, more of everything, huge consumption and production, people should have 10 cars, 10 houses, ever more room, and consumption and all such stuff (and hose Nature in the process, Nature is ours to use, it is not a New Religion).

Will it ever happen ? No, so don't expect the Worldwide Economy to grow much anymore, all circuits will saturate really fast and most of the world will end up like Greece and Spain...(but they both still have a hugely higher standard of living compared to most of the world anyways).


Information is the Problem



Re: No Solution

Postby nameta9 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:16 pm
Kriswest wrote:Take away all news media for one month even online cut off major communications.
Interesting project, , no/ yes?

Information is the Problem

Information creates the problem and problems by its very existence, by being implanted in your head you are forced to find solutions, or to think in terms of solutions, starting points and targets, targets failed, solutions not achieved, problems not solved and so forth, this aggravates you, this creates a feeling of failure since you can't solve the problems and there are trillions of problems just as much as there is information, the "oil is running out" (is it even true ?), the "global warming" (true /false?) and all of the debates, fights amongst people, all of the work and effort your mind must perform to figure out the problems, to debate, like so many lawyers, everyone protecting their position, their point of view, the point of view becomes more important than what it is worth and then yourself (all points of views are meaningless and worthless in the long run), people embrace their ideology and the way they want to solve the "problems", so many, "education is a failure" (what on earth does that even mean ? compared to what ? education "to do what" or for "who" or to go where ? totally illogical!) and unemployment is too high and so forth, a never ending stream, the muslims, the wars, the crap that happens 20 thousand miles away (but who gives 2 c*cks and a d*ck! it doesn't affect me, or even if it does, I can't do anything about anything at all anyways), not only are the problems intractable, but the solutions are also, and the power mechanisms and political mechanisms necessary to achieve the solutions (by new laws ? by what ?) are also intractable, impossible to follow, get all lost in a foggy haze and so forth and so on.

And information already creates the work for you in your mind as it is compared, debated already internally, compared, figured out, logically connected to other things (even if unconsciously) and so on, and you get another problem you are forced to think about, and all information, all news, all new items and events and situations create a never ending stream of hard and impossible problems to think about, to constantly fail to solve, and even the personal ones, especially the personal ones, the boss got mad at work, the son misbehaved (or the son can't find a job and so forth), an infinite array of problems, thoughts, impossible to solve, all intractable, all a failure, we are always just a failure waiting to occur, since even if you solved all the problems you ever had for you and everyone for 50 years, there will come that day that just that one bit information, that one small problem will cancel 50 years of success, a flat tire on a country road and you are lost forever and such.

And information is the problem and more information is the solution and no information is the problem and no information is the solution and you try out all the combinations.

We live in an Excess Capacity Economic System, too many people have way too much time on their hands to generate and talk about information and problems worldwide, the Technological Economy has created a huge amount of Free Wealth for all simply through Technology and Networks (Electricity and Transportation and Energy networks especially, more so than the Information networks) so we are left simply to fight each other: Imagine what could be performed and created if all of those millions of idle people where to be really used and employed in manufacturing, in home building, in building cars and all of the basic needs: in ONE YEAR you could create enough homes, cars, roads whatever for 10 billion people once and for all and you wouldn't even have to work at all for decades in the future: imagine if we could really apply all the technology we have really in an optimized manner, we could solve almost all of our problems once and for all in just one year.

But millions worldwide are used in offices to create a never ending stream of artificial problems that are created and solved, everyone creating complexity for everyone else, just to then solve the complexity and so forth, like what happened in Software: we had all of the best possible programming languages available in software (before the Object oriented Craze that was used to create fake problems, create complexity and let thousands of people waste a huge amount of effort and time towards solving problems that were solved long ago and that could easily be solved in well written structured programs in Pascal or Basic (modern versions would be Perl and Awk) or such) but it would have been too easy to solve all of the software problems 20 years ago, too many idle people and too few programmers would be needed, so they had to create complexity and a mess to allow other thousands of new programmers "work", since the myth was that there would be all of this "new work available in software", when the very nature of software and goal of software is to eliminate as much work as possible, and that is what it is doing anyways, no matter how many impediments (always political, power struggle interdictions, office politics interdictions, changing standards, contrasting products, non standard products created on purpose to create work, ever more fake work for fake problems created with the intention of holding back technology more than anything else) and roadblocks are put in its way.

But the economic system is so productive that it must create interdictions, impediments, it must choke the potential productivity it could achieve, since that productivity would destroy structurally all inequality, all of the excuses for inequality, it would destroy the entire concept of work and labor, etc. it would put the Man Brain in a completely new psychological situation where all of the old rules are worthless, it would be a communism achieved without any revolution or communism but by shear inertia of the Technological Economy really expressing itself. We are left with very little real work that could achieve wealth for all (building cars, skyscrapers, homes, jet planes and so forth) and left to play with blogs and facebook and IPHONES, a method to repress the huge productive capacity of our modern Technological Economy: let them talk forever and generate a never ending stream of information across the internet they will be occupied and happy.

And you get the Resource Scarcity Myth and Tree Hugger Thugs, Environmentalist Thughs inventing all kinds of problems and excuses to not do anything, to not build anything, to not build all of the High Speed Trains in California and across the USA, to not build trillions of skyscrapers all across the USA, and rockets to mars and trillions of Nuclear Energy Plants and so forth and so on.

But we need the fight to give meaning to money and to work, we need to force others to do what others want, the status, the power struggles, etc.

And all of this talk of Worldwide Economic Growth is going to crash: how can China keep on building homes when no one there can afford them, and no one can buy the furniture needed to furnish them (also applies to a lot of USA, EU and JAPAN today)? they think they can export their way out, and they think they can keep on selling 10 million cars a year when they are not designed like the USA, the USA is the only country that can really achieve a high level of Consumerism and growth because there is Room, large homes, two car garages, large roads, places to put the cars, the malls, the homes for all of your crap and so forth, no other country has this, the Chinese must create huge suburbs with huge houses that cost very little, huge roads all over the place and cars and then finally they can keep on growing, etc. (not even to mention puny Europe and South America, they would have to tear down all of those puny environments they have and start all over again with huge American Styles suburbs to start really growing, etc. instead they want to ride bicycles, what c*cks, they are going backwards instead of forward, what fairies, etc.).


the ape can


"People know something is "wrong" "

Something has always been wrong and will always be wrong: Man is always trying to figure out what is wrong, give him something wrong and he will be happy, give him a problem and he will be happy, man is an algorithm looking for a program, a computer looking for activity, etc. The law of conservation of problems: no matter how many problems you solve and how much you go forward, you will always end up with the same amount of problems and the same situation forever...


Monday, September 24, 2012

I Was Kidding

I Was Kidding

There is no solution to anything, to any problem, to any situation to any whatever because like a lawyer, any idea, position, any choice, any political program or party or whatever can always be demonstrated as correct (even absolutely correct and right and the only possible solution) by creating all kinds of justifications, reasons, logical connections, "studies demonstrating", "new data shows", "past experiences showing that this is the way to go", "scientific research showing" (this is the environmentalists favorite to justify protecting nature the new religion when we should be conquering and building like crazy and building Nuclear Energy plants and such, and the science is just a mask disguising the background fight between arbitrary positions and choices (all wrong and all right, all turdy and all fantastic), between contrasting will powers and nothing else, end of story) and so on and so forth, and you name it, you invent it, anything can be shown to be correct, by creating ever longer and more complex and more connections to justify anything and so on, just like a lawyer protects and can protect even the worse of criminals, can "demonstrate" that he is innocent no matter what, can always find some kind of reasoning, some kinds of demonstrations, some kinds of long and complex and convincing arguments to protect and justify any possible position, so it is with all of the debates, the never ending debates, the never ending yes and no, back and forth, this against this, and this demonstrates this and the contrary demonstrates the contrary and on and on forever.

Like when you have an opinion, a position and then after creating all possible reasonings and justifications for that position (like nature must be Protected) after many years, you just dump it, and cancel it and say, no that was all wrong, Nature must be used to create wealth and jobs, so then it is like you say, well I was kidding, in a moment all of the past efforts and debates and reasonings are thrown out of the window, you now have a new position who cares and in fact the ease with which any position can be overthrown demonstrates how useless and false and irrelevant any position can be in light of logical reasonings that can always be found, no matter what, any logical reasonings can be found to justify anything, no matter what, like logic is the algorithm that can be applied to anything, we apply it constantly to anything (but it is really a pseudo-logic hiding what we really are doing and namely expressing arbitrary values and judgments always and executing our free will against another turd expressing an opposing arbitrary value and judgment and free will and choice, always a choice against another possible choice, always A against B that then really becomes person A against person B, free will A against free will B, the fight, the contrast, the win or lose game and nothing else), like a baby learning to play but simply executes algorithms over everything (as the man brain is a computer that needs a program and tries to find repetitions to execute any program) you can always change position, idea, change your mind, embrace the opposite position, embrace what you were always against, it doesn't matter, say "I Was Kidding", as we are always kidding no matter what.

Reasoning expands and language and debates expand to cover all and all against all in a never ending debate about everything but never going anywhere.

But then all of the debates about the economy are simply debates over numbers, statistics, all measurements and numbers showing if we are going forward or backward, GDP, Growth, Unemployment, numbers and statistics that are putting in a bag all of the same things and then talking about how to make the numbers change for the better when all of those numbers are based on thousands of individuals, disjoint events and free wills and person and things and so on, it is really a queer way of seeing the world, this obsession with statistics, measurements and numbers that describe the value, the state of a society, that paint one single picture, a paintbrush that covers all things in one color and pretends that they are all connected when they are all disconnected.




"An uncaused, undesigned emergence of the universe from nothing violates no principle of physics."

False, there are no principles of physics operating anyways, in the first place, there are no principles at all operating or any principle at all can be operating. You are extending and making believe that the universe is a subset of another universe having the same physical laws of ours, but that is not case (could be though, as anything goes but you can never discover it (but you could by simply assigning any truth as in the mechanisms used in Free Physics).

You are extending the laws of physics beyond the big bang, something which you cannot do "logically", since the laws of physics start operating after the big bang. So what laws operate before the big bang ? No laws, any laws, whatever: there is no constraint on the conservation of energy before the big bang, there is no constraint on what nothing or something is, there is no constraint whatsoever on any possible idea, design or theory you want to invent since we are already outside of the "laws of physics", outside of "this universe", outside of anything that has anything to do with us, end of story.

So what is there left to explain when you are outside of any reference system or system of laws and constraints limiting what is possible and what constitutes an explanation ? Nothing is left to be explained since it isn't tied into anything, saying poof it just happened is perfectly equivalent to saying GOD did it or to saying we come from another universe, to saying anything as wild as you want to since it can't be compared, measured and confronted with anything related to us, with anything at all, we are effectively in the realm of Free Physics here Big Time.

Science proceeds by discerning Repetitive Patterns, repeating laws and events, etc. so the enitre idea of "explaining the universe" is already completely outside of science, it happened only once from what we can observe and see, something that happens only once (if there is even an "it" there anyways and if we can even say or conceive of the "origin and start of the universe" (I have my doubts)) is outside of any scientific explanantion by definition, structurally.

And this is the exact same problem we encounter when trying to explain how the first living cell evolved from a soup of chemicals, "the origin of life" and even the origin of any species and up to man: it happened only once, there is only one example, there is no repetitive pattern for the entire process or even for the very first process creating the very first living cell, so this too is completely outside of science: albeit a little less than the "origin of the universe", but the problems encountered are very similar, we don't and probably can never know all of the steps leading to the first living cell, all of the quirk steps and chemical reactions leading up to the first functioning living cell, we only have some bits and pieces, can only imagine some possible paths here and there, it is a very long way off until we can see the entire process if ever.

Posted by

A New Theory !

A New Theory !

So Everything is Right, everything is the only truth, only one truth, you name it and say it and only that truth is the truth, the absolute truth against all other lies, so anything is right, is 100 % right, so anything is wrong 100 % wrong, there are no truths, everything is right, everything is wrong, everything is disjoint and disconnects and say the opposite of what you said before and confuse, destructure and keep on going, just puts randoms words together and that is the final truth the truth revealed like (expectations can conceive disjoint and disconnects measure up to what against all other ) and so on.

Simply get out of your comfort zone, accept anything as incredible as possible just for what it says and don't compare it to what you already know and expect, expect the incredible, the illogical, the ununderstandable, that that goes completely against any common sense, or logic, or anything you can conceive, accept the wildest, since all of our common sense and expectations are always based on what we are used to, what we already know, how things measure up to what we are, how we decode the world, how we are designed, the particular design of the Man Brain as a quirk, as an arbitrary quirk that measures all against himself as in Man is the measure of All Things, but the measurement is always based on a completely arbitrary random quirk of arrangements of items and elements, a completely random, chaotic arrangement of Matter that decided to become the Observer and measure all from its "Point of View", but has no generality, no value accept for the random value of pain/pleasure random circuits the random quirky process of Natural Evolution decided to give it has.

So there is another Universe where all things are getting denser all the time, all of the past history of the particles remain solid where they are and keep on adding up, so time keeps on adding up all of the items that appear in any point of space time, condense them, make them all stay where they were forever, so the density becomes rapidly infinite, and ever so and ever faster, etc. The total universe having all of its past frozen in all of its points and all of the present events condensing and freezing for every moment in time, every electron that circles an atom solidifies around the atom and the matter around the atom becomes denser and denser, as each circle the electron goes through adds up to the solidification since it remains in every point it crosses forever, time is constantly being frozen and matter in its point and adding up the next event and solidifying the event and matter making it become infinitely denser and denser, etc.

So this is now another kind of Universe, very interesting, where everything is remembered forever and everything is recorded forever (and remains in all of the places it has been from the beginning of time, etc.) and it becomes infinitely denser, etc.

And you can invent other wild relationships and make the matter disappear and appear again, and condense it all in one point in space, or all in one moment and one point, or anything else, etc

All Examples of Free Physics, the Final Truth, the Truth revealed.

Economy is in essence only a fight between people, a conflict over resources (that are seldom and rarely limited or scarce, only Man's Subjectivity and desire to win and take away from another Man makes them "appear scarce"), actually economy can be described as the constant redistribution of resources from the poor or weaker members of society to the stronger members, just like a property owner takes away so much money from people needing to rent the property, as the redistribution of money from the weak to the strong is what the economy is essentially with the roles sometimes changing, with someone getting a lucky break or "risk taking" by buying property himself and becoming what he was from renting to owning and then getting a rent from other weaker people, etc.

So simply a fight, a redistribution, a tug of war, nothing deeper, nothing "Structurally Objective" about it, it is just a random play of forces, a play of forces of weak against strong, the strong almost always winning (but sometimes not, etc.) nothing Scientific or Objective about the economy, it is just a play of random forces fighting each other if in ever more subtle and indirect ways, always trying to mask and hide the fight behind big words and concepts and fake objective limitations and so on (but the limitations are real, and namely the limitations other people oppose to other people, it is always other people that are the limiting factor, but since they are all arbitrary and worthless turds worth a BIG FAT ZERO, then there are no real limitations only the limitations of other Will Powers pretending to be "Objective", etc.).

SO we need Free Salaries and Cheap Rents to overcome all of this. AMEN.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Everyone is Right

Everyone is Right
So if everyone is right, everyone is wrong, how can anyone be right, correct, how can anyone say or express any correct - right - true idea or concept if it can always be contradicted, denied, debated, if it can always be contrasted, if anything can be controvertial ? So then it is impossible to be right, you can be right only if it is impossible to formulate a contrary - opposite - conflicting - opposite idea, so then everyone is wrong, everyone is 100 % dead wrong, absolutely, 100 % wrong, and that demonstrates logically, mathematically, absolutely and beyond even the principles of non contradiction and identity that everyone is absolutely 100 % correct, right, etc.

The entire idea of anything is to be against anything else, the entire idea of Information and Debates is to contrast against a background that is contradicting it 100 %, since nothing could exist if it didn't contrast and stand out from its background, a background that is always fighting it and trying to kill it and trying to deny it, etc. So when the Muslim says that GOD will beat you up he is right, 100 % right and when the Army says the Muslims deserve to be killed because they are saying lies, that is 100 % true, correct, so everyone is 100 % right and true and correct, then what is all the fighting about ? to occupy one point in space and time at the same time with only one truth, when the truth is many and all, so then the fight is always for one truth to kill another truth, but all truths are always killing each other and winning and losing at the same time, no only one truth will always win and that is my truth that the Pebble on Mars is GOD and the electron is the Steering Wheel, so there I said it, I said the only possible truth possible.

As if all items in the universe are a language, a sequence of symbols that must be decoded and understood in a particular Observer _ Mind _ Man Brain type, so all of the pebbles on Mars and under the surface of Mars for 50 miles is a language, a book, a complete thought, one micro truth that must be decoded (but the delimitations creating the words, how pebbles create letters and words and sentences must be all invented and made up, but the words may start from the atoms of the pebbles up and the book may only be 50 miles wide deep and long, but then change the internal delimitations and you can create other books, a book where every word is 100 % different from the previous, books with trillions of pages and so on).

But maybe the Solar Plasma is another book, the car dashboards are another book, thought, a complete idea, a political party, political parties that are fighting against each other and so on, you get the message, you can invent anything, it is all false, everyone is wrong, 100 % wrong, everyone is true, 100 % true, everything is intractable, everything cancels out, everything exists at the same time, everything, and the problems is always using the word everything as if anything has anything in common with anything else and can even be put in the same set and talked about, and so on.

Another trillion blocks of text like the above but written in a new language like ENDNEDNENC Dc ne cLDX S:

wedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
wedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
nwedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
nwedwrbckwfbckj felvefef


Posts: 1594
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:42 am

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Everything is an Absolute Truth

Everything is an Absolute Truth
Everything is an Absolute Truth, is the Extreme Truth and there is nothing anyone can do about it: so when the Christian Fundamentalist says God will beat you up and punish you just because, he is 100 % right, it is the Absolute Truth, the Final Truth, no one and nothing can change that, it is like a piece of infinitely hard Matter, like a piece of Steel, like a rock, rock solid, a monolithic slab of infinitely hard matter that can never again be destroyed, and that is why people fight and get pissed off at those who pronounce the Absolute Truth, since no debate and nothing can and will ever change that: and My Religion is the only one that is right, all of what I say is the only Absolute Truth and everyone else is Wrong, so I win Forever, etc.

They are all Absolute Truths, everything is an Absolute Truth, and you have lost any debate against that, all debates are lost forever, another Absolute Truth (the same one, as all is the same and different, all is equal and different from itself ?) is that GOD DOESN'T EXIST and all Religions are False, so this is the Final Word, the Absolute Truth, and the Absolute Truth is that GOD EXISTS and My Religion is the only one that is right, etc.

So everything is right and wrong, so everyone loses forever, only I win, so I lose forever, I lost all debates, TRUTH IS NOT RELATIVE, BUT ABSOLUTE AND GOD WILL BEAT YOU UP, AND TRUTH DOES NOT EXIST BECAUSE IT IS ALL RELATIVE, AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOD etc.

And yet Man is only Pent Up Desire to Fight, Man is Fight Repressed (actually civilization and language is the attempt at trying to domesticate and calm down the only instinct we have, and that is to fight and win against everyone, it is so fascinating for the mind to see others and how they are different and all enemies and must be all killed (the mind can't believe that there are other minds different from itself and wants to fight and win against them all), etc. and "love" is the temporary illusion that maybe it is not so, but then it always ends up being so, but we also collaborate, but always against another enemy, etc. so in essence we are always in the same place, we are still forever, (nay we are going backwards forever, everything is going backwards and forwards forever, repeat again) No Progress here, always the same and same fights until we change the Brain Design), would always like to beat and win against all others, the very basis of all of "Life" is the fight, the fight against obstacles, in the form of chemical reactions with molecules in the beginning all fights and actions and reactions, (but sometimes collaborating).

So all of the above is the Absolute Truth, so all of the above is False, there are no Absolute Truths, nothing is true, everything is true, for everything the opposite of everything is true, for everything the opposite of everything is false, etc.

Everything is True and Everything is False, there is No Solution to any problem, the is No Progress ever, we are still forever, everything is a solution to any problem, everything is a solution to anything and everything, we are always going forward ever more, progress is infinite and we are progressing infinitely, we are always changing for the better, etc.

Everything cancels out, no that is all false, only I win, why I am the winner of all ? Why an I so superior to all other people and things ? Why have I won all and everything and everyone else have lost all to me ? (you always win against another, that is why the Economy will never have any kind of solution, the Economy is always doing well or bad according to who you are...).

I repeat the same crap forever, because I am a loser...

So everything (any idea or thing or event or Informational Relationship) is Absolutely False, can't exist, doesn't exist, etc.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Fundamentals of Free Physics

Fundamentals of Free Physics

A method can be to assign equivalencies between different items, by assigning them you force all of the other items and delimitations of the Universe to be something else, mathematically so to speak, logically so to speak, even though a very abstract and advanced logic is being used, a logic that has finally done away with the Identity Principle and the Principle of Non Contradiction, now it is all allowed. So you can say that a Car Tire is an Emotion, and a Pebble is a Star and a Steering Wheel is a Transistor (or be even more specific, that steering wheel A is that transistor B, etc.). So now what is the Mountain equivalent to correspondingly ? And what is the Electron going through the Transistor going to be ? and you can even assign another item as the Electron going through the transistor to create more constraints, more hinges, so the Electron may be a tin can, that is they are 100 % equal, totally, not only symbolically, but physically, materially, really really the same, equal, etc. And by adding more constraints you force all of the other items in the Universe to be equal to something else, mathematically, by using some kind of abstract mathematics, etc. And you can even assign more than one equivalency, a set of equivalencies like a Star is a Car is a Town is a Pebble, and the combinations and set size can be ever large, since then all of the other trillions of delimitations are forced to be something else and also equal to other things and so forth. And you can imagine the equivalencies changing in time and getting all mixed up and all kinds of funny new relationships and so on, and disconnecting some equivalencies and contradicting your own system so the pebble is not the car, but is the car, but is the star but is not the mountain, but is composed of the tar but is contained in the electron, and so on, and so on, be inventive, be wild.

A Radio has an Engine inside that is making it work, an Engine with Gasoline, not Transistors and a Computer is a TV set, and so forth, and then the equivalencies can have different degrees of being the same from 100 % the same to only partially the same to only slightly the same and assign a number from 1 to a trillion that describes how EQUAL they are, with 1 being the least equal, 100 being 100 % equal and larger numbers meaning that the items are even more than equal and so forth.

Free Physics is so much more superior to old fashion Physics, and he who does Free Physics and invents Free Physics is so much more superior to all other Men, is the GOD of all, is the most superior to all...

I am so superior to all, I am so much better to all, I am worth infinitely more than all of the Human Race, I am worth much more than GOD...
I am way too advanced for this civilization, I am so much more advanced than all of you puny logically fairies, I am so advanced you can't believe it...


More Free Physics...

Everything is a Mind, an Observer watching, but different kinds of Minds, wild and wicked Minds, and Observers, and everything has an associated Will Power and desire to Change and Modify according to His Desires (Not GOD's which is the Master Model for most of the Man Brain's BS) but you can mix Will Powers and Minds, and Designs and create Hybrids and Mixtures between Sense Organs and chunks of Mental Circuits and how they appear from Outside (not in the form of a Person but in the form of a Car Tire for example) but then changes again, and instead of the signals following the circuits of a Mind, it is Car Tires that are following the Signals and the signals may be Static Monolithic Chunks of Matter and the Mind may be an Ocean or the other way around and all mixed up and upside down and on and on.

The Car Tire is the Emotion, the rubber molecule number 143556 in point Z of the Car Tire is the entire "Person" (whatever that can mean, you invent it!), so even big and small and what is contained in what is confused, mixed up, change it all, decompose all, destructure all structures and mix them up and create new structures that then define a new Universe and corresponding Observer (or even not corresponding, and even there, all mixed, all confused, experiment to the maximum and so on).

Free Physics, like Free Jazz, crazy music, the more incomprehensible the better, the more pure noise the better and then every now and then some nice Progressive Rock chunks appear and so must be the Physics of the Future, the new way to decode the world, be crazy, do it man, do it, GO MAN GO !!!

But why change and do anything ? why is the new thing better than the old thing or the different thing better (as any set of things can be put on a line and set as the "old" or "worst" thing and the "new" or "better" thing or set as the starting point and target point expressing the direction of going to better, or expressing the direction a Will Power or Mind wanted it go (so all things have Minds and Will Powers associated to them, even a static crack on the wall is a mind and desire and direction saying it wants to keep on staying still, so then even Blind forces are pushing things to become "better" and are "judging" better and worst according to that One Bit Circuit, that One Transistor Circuit of Good and Bad, Better and Worse, Forward and backward and so on ?)) than anything else ? what is being compared to what if you can combine the entire set of entities into one thing (even the past history and future history, a slice of Time and Space as one entity along with all of the signals and subsets of delimitations arbitrarily defined by Matter, Events and Signals simply creating a Long Bit Set of Informational relationships)...but then create all kinds of new combinations of delimitations, delimit all in the most wildest ways, invent new entities based on new boundaries and new delimitations and relate them to other new entities and delimitations in the most wild and complex way, and go on forever, and create new brains based on this, and then new circuits in the new brains and then mix it all up and mix the sense organs and memories with rocks and car tires and ocean waves and chunks of the solar plasma (the 200 kilometer square solar plasma half way from the surface of the Sun to the center of the Sun) and so on...


Thursday, September 20, 2012



Why Change anyways ? Change for the better, or a subset of entities of Matter compares itself to another different subset and finds or assigns itself as "better" or some Observer perceives it as "better", but "better" is already defined from the outset by the structure of the Observer and by the signals it receives and how it will evaluate them. But all things have a Will Power that wants to change for something better, but all changes are simply killing the previous configuration associated to some abstract Will Power somewhere (just assign it) everything is fighting a war with itself for changes, to change, when no change is any better, they are all wrong and worse and all the same, and it all cancels out, etc. and what subset of matter is associated to what will power and what idea, and how long does the entity being compared to another entity that is different and changed does it last ? how much does the set of events and entities and observations considered a reference point from which to measure all other changes extend in Space and Time ? and each change is killing the other change to achieve the better, but nothing is better so it all cancels out.

As all change is an internal fight between subsets of entities between themselves, but they always change so they all lose anyways, an internal fight of matter with itself (or denotated will powers belonging to some other items, to a pebble on Mars and the other change is associated to the will power and desires of a small ocean wave in the Pacific Ocean, etc.), trying to impose the new configuration as the better one, but it is only a memory erase and memory write operation upon a set of information items, no matter how extended in space and time and how many items compose it etc.

And combine the oddest items as anything, as one person, as one story, as one experience as one anything and compare that to another set of items combined as a different person, and judge who is better, and let them fight, so for example a car engine and a pebble is person one and a house and a mountain is person two and they are judging each other reciprocally according to what they think is "better", but there is no better since they are arbitrary quirks, and so on, and extend chunks and bits of logic to the most disjoint concepts and items and entities, and make up the greatest possible nonsense, and slowly demolish all logic and thought and so on.

Not Reductionism but Explosionism, find as many different items as possible, the most different possible and combine them and assign them as all having any arbitrary "common denominator" and create a new Physics and New "Explanations" for it all, we need to find the most "Uncommon Denominator" to all entities, be as wrong and as illogical as possible and create a New Physics like that (not like what has been done up to now, finding the elementary particles that are common to all, like Atoms or Electrons, and finding the Repetitive Patterns of how Change Behaves, but the exact opposite, assign the most wrong and weirdest things as Elementary particles and FORCE all items to abide and discover the laws of Static and Not Change, and the most Non Repetitive Patterns as possible, nay, FORCE anything you want as the truth, make believe that a Non Repetitive Pattern is a Repetitive Pattern and the opposite, and so on just for the fun of it, just for kicks, tease all logic). Like since the color of a pebble on Mars is blue and the car on the corner is blue they have a new common denominator, they are connected magically by some new physics and laws, or since the number 786 is a measurement of some temperature somewhere and it is also the distance between two given electrons inside the Sun, they are connected by a fundamental new Law of Physics, they have a deep connection, the number 786 becomes a new fundamental law of physics just like electromagnetism or gravity, etc. Use random insignificant things as the basis for all, tease the entire program of Science and Logic and Reductionism, we need Explosionism, etc.

It all cancels out, For everything that is false, the Opposite of that anything is also False, Everything is False, no matter what, because TRUTH NEVER EXISTED. For anything said, any change performed anything at all, the opposite (but even any other relationship, not necessarily the opposite), or any other things is also true and valid and correct, for anything the opposite is what that anything really means, for any truth the contrary of that truth is also true, make it all cancel out, demolish it all from the inside by making it logically incoherent, for anything logical, the opposite of that is also logical, keep on contradicting yourself, let Matter contradict itself in all possible manners, demolish logic, throw it down from its throne (but at the same time or a different time or anything confirm it) (and anyways, it is done all the time in the "Science" of economics and in all things Religious and Moral, so we already know how to be illogical and completely wrong pretending to be right and to be saying truths, etc.).

But we must use a rigid Doctrine, just One Bit, as the only truth and kill all other truths, etc. A is KU is the only truth, that is the Absolute Rigid Document for all, now fight wars and kill each other over that.

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Wow, who knows what that new Brain design is doing ! Who knows what new experiences and what new Universe that Observer is associated to ! (or you can define that sequence of symbols above as anything you want, as a story, as a signal to an eye form of sense organ on some new Mental Contraption, as anything at all, as a Brain system, as a new Observer, whatever)........

And write another 500 trillion pages of stuff like this, ever more, ever whackier, the crazier the better...

All of the above is a huge waste of time, is all wrong, please ignore this post...


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Examples of Free Physics:


Dedicated to mistified...

Examples of Free Physics:

"...You'd think the destruction of 8 Marine Harrier..."


"8 Man"

are related because they both have the sequence of symbols "8 M", so that is a connection point in an abstract, metaphysical world. Now do that with all sentences, all words, all parts of words, even letters, etc.

Like "agree it makes" is related to "Collateral Transformation (E341) " since they both contain the letter "a", now imagine all the ways those two sentences are connected on that hinge of a letter, how they can be combined in a metaphysical world, what incredible deep meaning that must be between them, etc.

Now imagine a number, any number that represents anything, like "53 miles" (from anywhere or to anywhere or anything), and "53 pebbles on Mars", and imagine how those 2 numbers connect those 2 concepts, 2 chunks of matter, 2 delimitations, etc. And what incredibly deep meanings, what incredibly deep sensation circuits in a new Mind Brain Design can they be associated to and connected to, what paradise of pain/pleasure and other extensions and denotations and recursions, ever more recursions and inventions are possible!

And do that with atoms and electrons and pixels in an image and all else, all connected to all according to the quirkiest connections, all going ever higher, achieving ever higher states of existence and being, just like the imagined linear expansion of science inventing and discovering new physics ever day (like discovering a new thing like electricity, and then Maxwell equations and then General Relativity) all in one day, and then higher entities and discoveries all in an hour, then a second, ever going forward, ever faster, exponentially faster! the Instant Singularity achieving ever more, the dream of Infinite Science, imagine where we will be at in the year 500 trillion 1956 !?!?!?!?

And all of those connections become a New Brain as in Brainium, and a New Universe, invent ever more, be whacky and crazy, go for it Man, GO MAN GO!



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Laws of Change


The Laws of Change

Exactly what laws would exist without Change ? Aren't all laws referenced to the paths of change, to repetitive patterns that emerge when any kind of change appears ? But we want the laws of Static, we want the laws of things that rarely change, the pebble on the Moon has been still for many years, just like a crack on the wall has been still for many years, hence the last clock tick of their local clock occurred many years ago, nothing is happening in those 2 points, so time doesn't exist in those 2 points, the laws of physics are exactly suspended for those 2 points because there are no Laws of Change being expressed, the points are not abiding to the constraints of any Laws of Change, as any law is always a Law of Change, a Law of Interaction, of Events, and how we organize and decode the Events in our Mind, or the Mind of an Observer that measures the Change according to his own changes, to his own internal frequencies, to his own reference system of repetitive patterns (heart beat, and millions of protein foldings and chemical reactions in cells and millions of electrical signals in the brain, etc.) that are defining all other repetitive patterns it perceives and decodes from the signals it receives from "Outside", form Independent Entities, as the independence of the Entities guarantee that they are Different from us, will surprise us, will do things we cannot know, will do things over which we have no control over.

The laws of static as everything that is still is still because trillions of invisible forces are all pulling the things in different directions but as a total result keeping it perfectly still. So you can invent trillions of new forces and new Laws of Physics that produce No Change, Static, as in Free Physics, and let your imagination go wild, and HAVE FUN, since it doesn't have to be "proved", it doesn't have to go through the dictatorship of Reality and "Experimental Evidence" and Logic and "Being True" and all other such puny BS, I want to be free, I want to do whatever I want, I want total freedom to create any truth and impose it on reality!

Clock ticks are a frequency, hence an energy, hence time creates energy, actually the more change, the faster the change, any change, the more energy is being expressed, is being created, is being produced, there is no conservation of energy, but the constant production of new energy in the form of frequencies, of clock ticks, all of the electrons and protons in the center of stars are interacting, changing position, how many clock ticks correspond to all of those changes, what is the minimum time interval that must be achieved to find all of the particles still, if only for one moment ? there is no limit to how high a frequency can get and conversely there is no limit to how small a time interval can be, the abstract nature of time is exactly this, it is not bound by limits, but time is exactly like a number, can be as small and as large as you want. Maybe to find all particles exactly still in the universe the smallest time interval would have to be 10^-10000 picoseconds, but there is a time interval where everything is perfectly still, is not moving, nothing has enough time to move (Absolute ZERO Temperature ?).

Use some "Serial Logic" will you XXX5, you say the philosopher doesn't "contribute" to social problems or technical solutions, etc. ? And why should he have anything to do with such Low Level, Puny crap ? Why should he give a crap about all of those idiotic things ? the philosopher is way passed all of this, is vastly superior to all of this as he is vastly superior to all other men, as he is the OverMan, the SuperMan, the GOD of all and the GOD of himself. There are already so many scientists and politicians and engineers applying their "Logic", their Serial Logic to those puny, petty, fairy problems, the philosopher must apply his Mind to the greatest problems of all, namely, No Problem at all, must only HAVE FUN, doesn't have any Responsibility towards anything, not even himself, is vastly free, forever free, AND WINS ALL THE TIME STRUCTURALLY, BY DEFINITION. Now be envious, on me, since I always win and will win forever, at most you can try to imitate me.

And this myth of Nature Loving, of alternative social systems to capitalism and such is just an attempt at installing a new Theocracy, a new Subjective system, the most Objective and ultimately least violent system of interactions between people is exactly pure Capitalism (although subjectivity is always operating, but in a very indirect and detached mode, everyone buying IPHONES is a subjective choice, but detached, you can choose, etc.), the Industry and Machine and Profits all speak by themselves and force everyone to abide to Objective numbers, whereas all these hippies trying to impose their "Alternative" "Green" lifestyles, "being good to each other", these "social values", these "communities" for the "common good" (who give 2 c*cks and a d*ck! I want mine, I am a total egotist, I can care less of everyone else, they are all a constraint, a limit on my freedom always, other people suck hugely and so does all of this community, social values, environmental protection, tree hugging crap and such BS!) want to introduce Subjectivity and a new Religion on everyone with the result that everyone will become dirt poor exactly like in those countries that don't have wild consumerism, technology, capitalism, cars and highways and malls and such, because they want to protect nature (puny Denmark with their crappy Bikes come in Mind, what total idiots, a recipe for poverty, we need industry, large scale structures, trillions of cars, highways, we must dominate nature to its utmost, etc.), without consumerism and industry and all such things the alternative is poverty, is nothing, is third world living conditions, there is no alternative to the only economic system that ever created some mass distribution of wealth, namely the American Economic System, the only model, especially the model as it was applied from 1950 to the 1990s until the Greens and Old Nature Loving thugs decided to stop wild development and production and all other things.

So don't believe the Resource Scarcity Myths, the Environmentalists, they are bringing the world towards Mass Poverty, they want to go backwards when we must go forward to the future, Rockets, Malls, Highways, High Speed Trains, Jets, Skyscrapers, ever more consumerism, etc.


Spark Growth !!!


"The construction of this massive system, surely the largest of its type in the world and in all of history, facilitated the suburban boom during the 1950's and beyond. Thus those in more dense areas were able to buy up houses on the cheap in the burbs for a fraction of what they would cost in an urban area, if available there at all. But the not so hidden cost was this behemoth of a road system that is difficult to maintain. Once you start to factor in the rising cost of oil and, basically, all the raw materials that go into maintaining it, the interstate highway system starts to look less tenable in the future.

Europe and Asian, at least certain places there, will not suffer as much from this problem, because they have rail systems, which though difficult to run at a profit, are a good fallback should car-based transportation start to founder."

This is exactly what makes America so much richer than the rest of the world, their standard of living and consumerism level is and will always be light years ahead of even the (make believe and puny) richest of the other countries worldwide like Sweden or Germany or JAPAN, etc: they don't have big homes and big wide roads and Malls and big stores and all kinds of consumerism like the USA has, that is why they grow so little, they will never contribute to worldwide Economic Growth, only those poor countries that then become middle class are now contributing to worldwide growth.

And the entire concept of Economic Growth was invented in America and really only applies to the American Economy and the American Model of growth is the only kind of growth that is possible: otherwise a country remains third world like India and Africa.

But we must exactly keep growing and consuming ever more, we need wild consumerism (the entire world must become like America and even more so) , we need to build trillions of cars and Rockets to Mars and Skyscrapers, we need to increase consumerism like crazy, but everyone believes in this new False Religion of Nature Protection (give us back the old Khrist, we don't need another religion), of Resource Scarcity, etc. when there are no Resource Scarcities and nature is there for us to use as we please and technology today can make us do anything, and we need trillions of Nuclear Reactors for energy, etc..

Check out:


Free Theories


"It's like the philosophical bullshit that Tegmark posts all the time. Guys like Ken Wilber will be forgotten two years after their deaths because they are just mental masturbators who imbue their cant with a spiritual edge. "

Philosophical BS (and "Name Dropping") dedicated to XXX5

It's as if Logic itself was the Ultimate Reference System, the Ultimate Absolute, the Principle of Non Contradiction and Identity are the Absolute Reference System from which all else can be serialized, all further logical paths can be followed: but there, I said it, I will contradict myself on purpose and deny identity on purpose and follow logical paths anyways, who cares, A is B and A is not B at the same time, and connect anything to anything following any absurd logical path I want.

As any Theoretical Physics does, in the long run, in infinite time, a mind investigating all possible relationships and theories in physics will end up finding a theory, a connection between anything, any sequence of symbols will end up being a theory, that is actually valid and true (gravity comes from pebble 4,567 on Mars, etc., and the electron is a Number on point Z on the Sun, and the Concept of Number as such is based on a cloud that passed on earth), that can perfectly match all experimental values. It is a long stretch, but all possible theories of physics are all simultaneously true since the connections are made in the mind itself that can connect anything to anything and justify anything to anything, etc.

But either all possible logical models are and will always be true, since in essence the mind performing the theory is just a Subset of Matter decoding another subset of Matter, hence Matter simply talking to itself, with no other external reference and constraint possible since that would imply that there is something outside of Matter, outside of the Universe forcing it to abide to rules or not all possible theories can be true, hence there is something outside of the universe constraining it. But anything can be outside of the universe, anything can be invented outside of the universe to constrain any theory and any possible invention and developments of explanations in any possible way, hence if anything goes, it is all true and false and irrelevant anyways.

But the closest thing we can conceive as being an Absolute, almost external constraint are the Principles of Identity and Non Contradiction, hence these principles must be outside of the universe, must be in some kind of platonic other place, other area, someplace else, whatever on earth this place is, or probably more truthfully, logic itself is simply a way of matter interacting with itself and only appearing when a logic based Observer decodes all of the events and signals it perceives and invents and interacts with in a logical schematic of reality and matter since that is the only schematic and circuits it has of reality.

So Free Physics is totally justified, invent the most incredible ideas and theories, make them the most insane, the most insanely complicated or simply mathematically simple or whatever (no matter what, given enough logic and computers that can analyze any theory, it will find the mathematical and logical justification, but obviously within an ever increasing abstract and complex framework, and it will need an ever increasing amount of time etc.).

But Break Logic once and for all and you exit this Universe and enter another, so break it before it can be theoretically justified in the year 5 billion 2020...

Philosophy is that thing that with or without doesn't affect or change anything: Exactly ! it must be totally subjective, totally unjustified, totally wrong, a total waste of time, it must have absolutely no possible "Social Value", it must have no possibility to be communicated, the more it is transparent and invisible, the better, the more abstract the better, the more totally confusing and totally void of any value the better, it must be despised by the Man Brain and by the Man Type of Observer (that thinks that he is some kind of Absolute Reference, when he is a quirk of a reference system probably the simplest turdy reference system Matter can Express, as Matter can express untold trillions of more complex elaborate, incredible reference systems and Informational Relationships within itself as it is always just Matter talking to itself, nay, An entity (always totally abstract, therefore Non Existent and False and I hope you can't understand any of this in the slightest) that is talking to itself, relating to itself in untold ways etc.).

Philosophy has nothing to do with anything social or communication, the least of all with morality.

For anything said or any sentence or any idea, the exact opposite and the exact contradiction of that idea or sentence is always true...For anything, the opposite of that anything is also true...


Friday, September 14, 2012

No Solution

No Solution

I like how all these debates can go on forever, all the debates about the Economic Crisis, Peak Oil, whatever, etc. Isn't it clear that there are no solutions to any of these problems structurally anymore ? (or we can assign all problems as solved and simply make them disappear by not thinking about them anymore, erase them all from our minds, etc.) Mostly because we keep on using our logical mind, our one track mind, our logic and thought to try to make contrasting will powers all agree on the same thing, to be on the same page, etc. when all these different minds and ideas exist only to contrast each other, man is fight and conflict and contrast and will be forever, so you can keep on debating and "trying to improve", and "thinking it out", "figuring it out", "researching it" forever but never get anywhere. The great Leap Forward of the 20th century was due to vastly improving technology, consumerism, everyone getting rich ( in a small part of the world, USA, EU and JAPAN) and constant improvements all during a few decades, lending people to worship "Logic, Thought, Research, Science", the "Positivistic Attitude" we will solve problems by "Applying Logic", etc. and thinking that this could go on forever, was a natural state of affairs: well it was an exception, a one time quirk, a lucky break, now the constant application of logic and thoughts and debates on the "problems" (what are problems anyways ? and problems for who ? and who decides what targets to reach from what starting points ? etc.) we have will never go anywhere anymore, we are stuck forever unless we splash open our Brains and change all of the circuits inside of it, crash open our skulls and throw all kinds of wicked and groovy things inside of it, break open minds and put trash and TV sets and Car Engines inside of it to make it think better and advance to a higher state of being.

And also because all of these contrasting will powers are from independent entities all having a different agenda, a different interest, all fighting anyways or subtly (I win you lose, etc.). So maybe the only solution is to program the brains of all people exactly the same so they are all on the same page and all agree (maybe in a Science Fiction scenario in the future if you can brainwash everyone to think and be exactly the same eliminating all possible contrast from the outset).

Or my solution, eliminate the free will gadgets in Minds and Brains and let a computer program the minds of all people.

But mostly, there are no solutions because the problems are not logical, have no logical basis, the social and economic problems are all based on random, non deterministic chaotic forces backed by people doing all kinds of things and so there can never be any possible solution, if maybe only temporarily for a few years (from the 1950s to the late 2000s ?) until the turbulence and chaos starts all over again.

8 Men

Memory Slot

Memory Slot

And then there is the problem of defining the Delimitation of the Memory Slot, the Memory Location must be in One Point, but how large is the point, what is included in the point, how many bits fit in the point, the pebble on Mars has a lot of "Bits", has Electrons and Photons and Neutrinos Inside of it and Quarks and other stuff, so where does the Location Start and End ? And a photon is one location or are the points crossed by the photon a series of locations ? But the point is that the change, the event, the changing of the number in the Memory Location creates the appearance of Time, but time is only the changes, the accumulation of changes as observed by an outside Observer that is keeping the sequence in his own "Memory" to then compare and be aware of the sequence as one entity, as a delimited piece of Information, as an Entity upon which to apply his logic, his ONE DIMENSIONAL LOGIC (but logic is always One Dimension ... as all language and thought is just a One Transistor Circuit (as in the One Dimensional Man ? Marcuse ? ) ) it is just a sequence of bits, all thought, it doesn't extend in space and time, it has no extension, it is just all right or wrong, all a simple logical equation, no extensions, only functions, the totally Functional Man, the functions occupy all of existence, while in reality, for almost the entire Universe, the Existence is all there is, a huge monolithic slab of pure Space and Time (no matter how you define it or look at it), no functions, just miles and miles of rocks, as on Mars, or miles of Stellar Plasma like on the Sun and such.

But maybe music is the signal our brain uses to convert function to extension, frequency to space, convert functions, time sequences, a sequence of bits in time (events occurring in a local point in the point's local clock - as all logic and language and consciousness, all our thought and ideas and events, sensorial events are just a sequence of functions, a one transistor circuits) into parallel signals, into an extension and not a one bit universe of logical thought and identity principles and principles of non contradiction. As a musical signal seen on an Oscilloscope is a one dimensional signal but it becomes rich and full of extension and parallel entities in our brain, we perform a function to extension conversion...

But new Minds and Brains will devise new Worlds....

Look at the crack on that wall, how long has it been there ? Maybe years, Time is Frozen for that crack, nothing happened there for a long time, the local time of the crack just had one tick a long time ago, but of course this all depends on the Observer, an Observer that is large enough won't notice all the ticks happening at the electron and virtual particle level, an Observer larger than the universe won't notice the universe changes at all, etc. and an observe many times larger than the Universe won't even be aware of see it all all, it "Doesn't Exist", as almost all things and entities and concepts we think and speak about...

Local time as the clock ticks of random rare local changes, look at an ocean with all of its changes, how many events are parallel ? how many have a very small time difference between them ? how small is the smallest time slot ? it is just a huge Digital Memory with a Microprocessor writing bits on it...

I am the greatest genius of all time, since only the greatest genius of all time could recognize who really is the greatest genius of all time...(and then who cares, I just assigned a truth, the Absolute Truth, all truth is just a variable that is assigned a random number, truth does not exist at all).


Kunstler, Ilovephilosophy



Time Unmasked

Time Unmasked

Everything you see and all items and entities in the Universe are simply Memory Locations, is simply information that is constantly being assigned and erased, each pebble on Mars is a memory location that is being written to or erased as things and events occur and happen: as if all points in space really only have a local time, only really associated to the last time their memory location was accessed (reading information) was written to (erasing the previous information) and the dead time between the two events, the interval where nothing happens simply doesn't exist, is not really part of time at all, is not part of an abstract, metaphysical global time: as if each point in space has a clock that ticks only when something happens to that point, only when the memory location associated to that point is written to erasing the past information that was there : time is only a very chaotic and nonlinear frequency associated to each point in space, with long relative periods of "time" completely still, not doing anything, although other points in space are having their memory location erased and written to with new information, and you could see that all the points in space that are being written to at the same time are all connected by existing at the same point in time, all of those separate space areas, all disjoint, are connected to each other only by being simultaneously written to, but the next instant, all other different points in space are connected and so on and you can devise a lot of funny relationships between points in space that only have a local time clock associated to them. Einstein got it all wrong, there is no external time, (or space for that matter) there is no extension of anything outside of point like events, point like instantaneous Information relationships, only points of memory locations that randomly and occasionally are written to erasing the past information that was at that point, but since the past information can be written again to the same point for no reason at all, this demonstrates that time doesn't exist at all, all things are only a static configuration that will be changed once again for no reason at all, the metaphysical properties of Time and Space, imagined as real things that extend beyond their simple mathematical relationship is finally exposed as being a fraud and a hoax, Time and Space are not reference systems, they are not Absolutes, they are not in essence GOD, as that is what the idea of metaphysical entities only really always implies.

So within the reference of Extreme Determinism, where everything is exactly predictable and can be written down by a simple mathematical formula, you would need to erase some memory locations (a part of space) to write down the formula itself hence the formula for extreme determinism itself interacts with itself by occupying a memory location that it itself would have to predict: but even the possibility to verify if the formula of extreme determinism is correct would mean that you would have to compare the entire Universe and all of its points and history with the model that the Extreme Determinism Formula generates and see if it exactly matches. But this would imply writing down all the points and history in space by erasing other points and memory locations of space that are needed to put the model of extreme determinism, the output of the formula in some place (not to mention the Observer and the process of comparison that would also need to occupy Space and Time). But if the universe is infinite you could write it down next to the universe, but the extreme determinism would also have to predict when and how you write down the resulting output of the formula to which to compare the entire universe, so you would need yet another very large space for that second level prediction to be placed, but this goes on forever, as in an infinite recursion, so extreme determinism, in order to be verified, would mean the universe must be infinite in space, or maybe all of the formulas and outputs and comparisons could be made outside of the universe, hence that would mean that something outside of the universe must exist in order to verify the Extreme Determinism Formula.

In essence every new information erases an old information constantly, but sometimes the old information can be written back, so we only have ever changing configuration of bits with no real time direction, no real Arrow of Time, only memory locations that must erase an old bit to write a new one, etc.