Sunday, September 23, 2012

Everyone is Right

Everyone is Right
So if everyone is right, everyone is wrong, how can anyone be right, correct, how can anyone say or express any correct - right - true idea or concept if it can always be contradicted, denied, debated, if it can always be contrasted, if anything can be controvertial ? So then it is impossible to be right, you can be right only if it is impossible to formulate a contrary - opposite - conflicting - opposite idea, so then everyone is wrong, everyone is 100 % dead wrong, absolutely, 100 % wrong, and that demonstrates logically, mathematically, absolutely and beyond even the principles of non contradiction and identity that everyone is absolutely 100 % correct, right, etc.

The entire idea of anything is to be against anything else, the entire idea of Information and Debates is to contrast against a background that is contradicting it 100 %, since nothing could exist if it didn't contrast and stand out from its background, a background that is always fighting it and trying to kill it and trying to deny it, etc. So when the Muslim says that GOD will beat you up he is right, 100 % right and when the Army says the Muslims deserve to be killed because they are saying lies, that is 100 % true, correct, so everyone is 100 % right and true and correct, then what is all the fighting about ? to occupy one point in space and time at the same time with only one truth, when the truth is many and all, so then the fight is always for one truth to kill another truth, but all truths are always killing each other and winning and losing at the same time, no only one truth will always win and that is my truth that the Pebble on Mars is GOD and the electron is the Steering Wheel, so there I said it, I said the only possible truth possible.

As if all items in the universe are a language, a sequence of symbols that must be decoded and understood in a particular Observer _ Mind _ Man Brain type, so all of the pebbles on Mars and under the surface of Mars for 50 miles is a language, a book, a complete thought, one micro truth that must be decoded (but the delimitations creating the words, how pebbles create letters and words and sentences must be all invented and made up, but the words may start from the atoms of the pebbles up and the book may only be 50 miles wide deep and long, but then change the internal delimitations and you can create other books, a book where every word is 100 % different from the previous, books with trillions of pages and so on).

But maybe the Solar Plasma is another book, the car dashboards are another book, thought, a complete idea, a political party, political parties that are fighting against each other and so on, you get the message, you can invent anything, it is all false, everyone is wrong, 100 % wrong, everyone is true, 100 % true, everything is intractable, everything cancels out, everything exists at the same time, everything, and the problems is always using the word everything as if anything has anything in common with anything else and can even be put in the same set and talked about, and so on.

Another trillion blocks of text like the above but written in a new language like ENDNEDNENC Dc ne cLDX S:

wedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
wedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
nwedwrbckwfbckj felvefef
nwedwrbckwfbckj felvefef


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