like the philosophical bullshit that Tegmark posts all the time. Guys
like Ken Wilber will be forgotten two years after their deaths because
they are just mental masturbators who imbue their cant with a spiritual
edge. "
Philosophical BS (and "Name Dropping") dedicated to XXX5
as if Logic itself was the Ultimate Reference System, the Ultimate
Absolute, the Principle of Non Contradiction and Identity are the
Absolute Reference System from which all else can be serialized, all
further logical paths can be followed: but there, I said it, I will
contradict myself on purpose and deny identity on purpose and follow
logical paths anyways, who cares, A is B and A is not B at the same
time, and connect anything to anything following any absurd logical path
I want.
As any Theoretical Physics does, in the long run, in
infinite time, a mind investigating all possible relationships and
theories in physics will end up finding a theory, a connection between
anything, any sequence of symbols will end up being a theory, that is
actually valid and true (gravity comes from pebble 4,567 on Mars, etc.,
and the electron is a Number on point Z on the Sun, and the Concept of
Number as such is based on a cloud that passed on earth), that can
perfectly match all experimental values. It is a long stretch, but all
possible theories of physics are all simultaneously true since the
connections are made in the mind itself that can connect anything to
anything and justify anything to anything, etc.
But either all
possible logical models are and will always be true, since in essence
the mind performing the theory is just a Subset of Matter decoding
another subset of Matter, hence Matter simply talking to itself, with no
other external reference and constraint possible since that would imply
that there is something outside of Matter, outside of the Universe
forcing it to abide to rules or not all possible theories can be true,
hence there is something outside of the universe constraining it. But
anything can be outside of the universe, anything can be invented
outside of the universe to constrain any theory and any possible
invention and developments of explanations in any possible way, hence if
anything goes, it is all true and false and irrelevant anyways.
the closest thing we can conceive as being an Absolute, almost external
constraint are the Principles of Identity and Non Contradiction, hence
these principles must be outside of the universe, must be in some kind
of platonic other place, other area, someplace else, whatever on earth
this place is, or probably more truthfully, logic itself is simply a way
of matter interacting with itself and only appearing when a logic based
Observer decodes all of the events and signals it perceives and invents
and interacts with in a logical schematic of reality and matter since
that is the only schematic and circuits it has of reality.
Free Physics is totally justified, invent the most incredible ideas and
theories, make them the most insane, the most insanely complicated or
simply mathematically simple or whatever (no matter what, given enough
logic and computers that can analyze any theory, it will find the
mathematical and logical justification, but obviously within an ever
increasing abstract and complex framework, and it will need an ever
increasing amount of time etc.).
But Break Logic once and for all
and you exit this Universe and enter another, so break it before it can
be theoretically justified in the year 5 billion 2020...
is that thing that with or without doesn't affect or change anything:
Exactly ! it must be totally subjective, totally unjustified, totally
wrong, a total waste of time, it must have absolutely no possible
"Social Value", it must have no possibility to be communicated, the more
it is transparent and invisible, the better, the more abstract the
better, the more totally confusing and totally void of any value the
better, it must be despised by the Man Brain and by the Man Type of
Observer (that thinks that he is some kind of Absolute Reference, when
he is a quirk of a reference system probably the simplest turdy
reference system Matter can Express, as Matter can express untold
trillions of more complex elaborate, incredible reference systems and
Informational Relationships within itself as it is always just Matter
talking to itself, nay, An entity (always totally abstract, therefore
Non Existent and False and I hope you can't understand any of this in
the slightest) that is talking to itself, relating to itself in untold
ways etc.).
Philosophy has nothing to do with anything social or communication, the least of all with morality.
anything said or any sentence or any idea, the exact opposite and the
exact contradiction of that idea or sentence is always true...For
anything, the opposite of that anything is also true...
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