Re: Normal ?
Normal 2
So then anything is normal or nothing is normal, like a fork wanting the whole world for all time and space to be like itself, but then is surprised to see a pebble, something different and unexpected and so it is with all, all details, random, quirks, flukes trying to impose themselves as normal, as laws, as things how they are supposed to be instead of them being just random configurations having no cause and lasting any amount of time, just because for no reason at all. And all of the models that pretend and impose a normality upon reality are really just wishful thinking, expectations, expectations destined to be betrayed by reality doing anything it wants, no one is in control of reality in the end no matter how hard you try to brainwash yourself of it, there is no theory of reality, no science or theory at all.
So then what is normal ? well, normal doesn't exist, only details exist, only point like random, casual chaotic details that don't mean anything exist, like a configuration of pebbles on the ground, such are societies and economies, just a random configuration that can last a day, a year or a million years, it doesn't matter it doesn't imply any large scale theories or plans or any deep natural laws and so on. Everything is an absolute truth, every quirk detail is a master plan absolute truth (all human lives are just a sequence of casual and random details not meaning anything, but meaning some kinds of absolute truths for the life in question) or a meaningless quirk, take your choice: the economists took the time frame of 1870 to 1940 and considered that time in the space (place) of the USA as an absolute truth, as an invariant pattern as a repetitive pattern that becomes a scientifc law of truth, when they were just making it all up, it was just a random invention not meaning anything but becoming this absolute - almost religious truth of "Economic Growth" as the measurement of all things economical and political and so on.
Don't take anything seriously, everyone is taking everyone else for a ride. And people struggle to abide to false truths invented by others but never really analyzed since any analysis will unmask how inconsistent all of these truths are.
As if anyone really knows anything, anyone really has a real scientific theory of the economy, society or politics: what a joke don't take anything or anyone says seriously, no one knows anything, they just make believe that some causes and causes and effects exist and that some large scale models are operating in reality (simply repeating what they always heard others repeat, all copy cats), when it is all a commad language, all hiding hidden agendas to pass some laws, or to make people behave and do things and believe in things (like the faith in college education landing you a good job forcing you to take the student loan that you will find in the end that you can't pay back) and so on.
And all the models and scientific - economic truths are all based on a few decades of a particular society (the USA) in such a particular time (the 19, 20th century when technology was advancing hugely) and assigning them as economic laws, laws of nature, economies naturally grow by 2 or 3 percent a year, forever (when then in the end most growth was probably due to population increases more than anything else, and life spans increasing because of advances in medicine, and better sanitation and mass produced food by mechanized agriculture making food cheap and so forth).
we are just a sequence of details without any cause or effects or models or truths and so are societies...
Now generate ever more information and concepts and ideas, glut the internet with more blocks of texts, the memory is free...
ape spark
plug thug
So then anything is normal or nothing is normal, like a fork wanting the whole world for all time and space to be like itself, but then is surprised to see a pebble, something different and unexpected and so it is with all, all details, random, quirks, flukes trying to impose themselves as normal, as laws, as things how they are supposed to be instead of them being just random configurations having no cause and lasting any amount of time, just because for no reason at all. And all of the models that pretend and impose a normality upon reality are really just wishful thinking, expectations, expectations destined to be betrayed by reality doing anything it wants, no one is in control of reality in the end no matter how hard you try to brainwash yourself of it, there is no theory of reality, no science or theory at all.
So then what is normal ? well, normal doesn't exist, only details exist, only point like random, casual chaotic details that don't mean anything exist, like a configuration of pebbles on the ground, such are societies and economies, just a random configuration that can last a day, a year or a million years, it doesn't matter it doesn't imply any large scale theories or plans or any deep natural laws and so on. Everything is an absolute truth, every quirk detail is a master plan absolute truth (all human lives are just a sequence of casual and random details not meaning anything, but meaning some kinds of absolute truths for the life in question) or a meaningless quirk, take your choice: the economists took the time frame of 1870 to 1940 and considered that time in the space (place) of the USA as an absolute truth, as an invariant pattern as a repetitive pattern that becomes a scientifc law of truth, when they were just making it all up, it was just a random invention not meaning anything but becoming this absolute - almost religious truth of "Economic Growth" as the measurement of all things economical and political and so on.
Don't take anything seriously, everyone is taking everyone else for a ride. And people struggle to abide to false truths invented by others but never really analyzed since any analysis will unmask how inconsistent all of these truths are.
As if anyone really knows anything, anyone really has a real scientific theory of the economy, society or politics: what a joke don't take anything or anyone says seriously, no one knows anything, they just make believe that some causes and causes and effects exist and that some large scale models are operating in reality (simply repeating what they always heard others repeat, all copy cats), when it is all a commad language, all hiding hidden agendas to pass some laws, or to make people behave and do things and believe in things (like the faith in college education landing you a good job forcing you to take the student loan that you will find in the end that you can't pay back) and so on.
And all the models and scientific - economic truths are all based on a few decades of a particular society (the USA) in such a particular time (the 19, 20th century when technology was advancing hugely) and assigning them as economic laws, laws of nature, economies naturally grow by 2 or 3 percent a year, forever (when then in the end most growth was probably due to population increases more than anything else, and life spans increasing because of advances in medicine, and better sanitation and mass produced food by mechanized agriculture making food cheap and so forth).
we are just a sequence of details without any cause or effects or models or truths and so are societies...
Now generate ever more information and concepts and ideas, glut the internet with more blocks of texts, the memory is free...
ape spark
plug thug
- nameta9
- Philosopher
- Posts: 1751
- Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:42 am
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