Up or Down
Either the
economy grows, everything increases constantly, more cars sold
worldwide, more energy use, more buildings, more everything and we go
towards the future with ever larger, huge public private projects
creating wealth, creating infrastructure for Man, creating the future
like rockets and malls and consumerism, super consumerism, infinite
growth, never ending growth, or we will go down, and become poor, dirt
poor, sick and in pain and reach the stone ages in a few years if you
are lucky.
There is no alternative: either it is this system of
life, this techno-science system using ever more energy and using
nature, as nature must be used, must be a tool for our needs, end of
story, no more crying over fairy tale Nature ghosts as gods and such, no
more imaginary good nature being there punishing us for our sins and
such, nature is ours to use and punish and abuse as much as we want, we
are the boss, there is no other boss, we are god, end of story, deal
with it, give up and abide to the powers that be, to the powers that are
stronger than you, that are letting you live, abide to the Man.
of course, who cares how much profit the huge private corporations hog
up minning the earth, building dams, building airports and high speed
trains and highways and weapons, enough with this envy towards the
winners and the rich, let them hog up as much profit and cash as
possible by building and doing, yes we need trillions of fighter planes
and warships and atom bombs and nuclear energy plants and particle
accelerators, let the private corporations hog up all the profit they
can, who cares, (I don't gain either way, but at least there will be
loads of things built and such) this will trickle down to all in the
form of huge number of jobs, wealth, free cash, cheap rents and so
forth, so much real estate that it becomes free, it doesn't matter,
technology will make us all super rich, this is the truth, the truth you
all hate to hear, you all want to hear how everything is peaked, is
dying, is ending, there is no more water, oil, energy, we are all
doomed, this doom religion: well it is the exact opposite, we will go
forward like crazy whether you like it or not, assholes.
growth may be uneven, some countries will go down, others go up, but the
end result, the accumulated and serialized result as in effort - work -
labor accumulating result and such is that the worldwide economy will
and must keep on growing, will keep on growing no matter what, it must,
either that or nothing, or a stone age ape society made of little
dictators, tyrants, poverty, violence, you name, societies as has been
the norm for all of human history except the last 100 to 200 years
thanks to the tehcnological economy freeing man from need, creating huge
wealth for all with no corresponding labor needed but thanks to energy
use, networks, highways, electronics, etc. huge economies of scale and
The average growth will continue, some countries will go
down, some up, but the average will tend to some middle ground: the USA,
EU and JAPAN will lose their wealth, some of it, maybe even 50 % in a
few years, but China, India Brazil will gain that wealth, and it may
even out, the world finally an even playing ground all with similar
levels of wealth, a flat playing ground in a few years of such. The
pattern is simple: the pay levels worldwide now fall in four windows,
from 30 dollars a month in Somalia, to 100 in Vietnam to 300 in China to
800 in the EU and USA, end of story, 4 stages, 4 phases, 4 steps, so
this will even out to a middle 600 dollars a month or so.
growth may be choppy, it may be all over the place (and sometimes no
place, all random chaotic), sometimes high sometimes low (some 3 % a
year for 10 years in some places and times and then maybe -2 % for 10
years in that same place, all kinds of numbers and statistics, very
nonlinear and such), chaotic, some places becoming dirt poor again like
Europe, other places becoming hugely rich, all the statisical flukes
cancel out in the end, it doesn't matter how choppy the lines are of
growth worldwide and according to where, when and how, the end result
will be forward, towards the future, towards the colonization of the
solar system, towards saturating all of the earth with structures,
buildings, malls, cars, ocean liners, jets, high speed trains, a
completely sauturated earth, as it should be, thou shall be done on
earth as it is in heaven. AMEN.
These green tree huggers are
still hoping in some kind of alternative, some kind of fairy tale land
of the hippies all stoned and all peace love and music and all nature
loving when that was possible exactly because machines, cars, oil, the
techno-science structure of society in the 1960s allowed so many young
kids to idle on finally free from need, the first time in history where
people were free from need (although the hippies mostly belonged to the
upper middle classes, "radical chick" stuff but anyways): and that is
their mistake and the mistake of all the greens and the old timers: they
don't get it that that techno-science, the plastic society is the only
society possible, that will free you from need, from hard work, free to
goof around and such, and they are goofing around because if they ever
worked in the farm fields like the chinese did until a few years ago,
they would hate nature with all of their guts, as any normal person
should, and in fact I am so glad china is building like crazy, polluting
their air like crazy, they are going forwards, they will solve their
problems because they haven't been poisoned by the nature loving thugs,
the green thugs in the USA and EU, like the idiotic germans wanting to
get off nuclear energy: what crazy thugs, what craps, the cleanest, best
energy in the world and now for some religious ideological reason they
want to shut them down, what clowns, thugs, idiots, stick em!
either it is this society or no society, this economy (with ever
increasing consumerism and waste and energy use, pollution (is so cool!)
and all) or no economy at all, this or nothing, this or poverty,
extreme poverty and starvation, there is no middle ground, either all or
nothing, either plastic society or pain and the third world stone age
crap, go to the poorest in africa to see how nice it is to live without
the creature comforts and consumerisms jackasses!
Now either you are part of the problem or part of the solution: be part of the solution, build and waste and consume like crazy!
ape thug
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