Tuesday, February 19, 2013


And thoughts become machines, between pieces of matter, a thoughts to matter converter and such. And Matter becomes thoughts and so forth, and and the accumulation of all thoughts into trillions of complex machines with trillions of complex mechanisms, coils, pistons, clockworks, ranging from nanomter sizes to kilometer large and all the sizes in between, al kinds of mechanisms and gears and clockwork pieces of all sizes and all kinds of connection, so many pieces and those machines were a representation of a thought path and such, and all of the thoughts paths of trillions of people for trillions of years crystallized into these incredible number of machines, all sized gears a 10 mile long piston turning a micrometer grear turning an inch long microprocessor with thousands or trillions of transistors thinking things and all kinds of wicked and crazy combinations, disjoint, imagine it to the utmost, and all kinds of converters, things converted into ideas converted into matter converted into steel converted into thoughts and so forth and the opposite occurs and the events create the thoughts that create new events and the other way around the events and the chunks of matter are the representation of thoughts and so forth (not thoughts that manipulate matter and decide, but matter manipulates thoughts and decides, and if 0 is thought and 1 is matter, what is 0.567 ? and what is 344 ? and what is minus 3444 and what is WSXX ? and the pebble ? and the planet and so forth and the car tire ? and so forth, super abstractions....), and all of these thoughts that are solidified are under miles wide crust of the future earth, all condensed and achieved and so forth, and time itself is disconnected, and past and future mixed, numbers mixed, large and small mixed, all upside down, all confused, a planet confused... space merged into time merged into matter merged into concepts merged into thoughts merged into machines and so forth...all hybrids and mixed entities being made up of so many different disjoint parts and such...


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