I Saw The Future ...
We are now shoving down Nature's throat 50
million cars a year, but in a few years we will be shoving done "her"
throat 100 million cars: now extrapolating into the future, by the year
100 million we will have shoved down Nature's throat 10,000 trillion
cars ! that is so damn cool! Even if just one percent of those cars
remain on the "soil", we will have filled the earth with steel and iron
and engines and V8 engines, that is so cool, I can't believe it. We win,
I win, we will show Nature who the Boss is, god gives you permission,
we will drown all Nature in Steel and Iron and Car Seats and Steering
Wheels so damn cool I can't believe it ! But that is only cars, now
imagine how many jets, houses and trains, and high speed trains and
highways and TVs and so forth, skyscrapers, things and stuff, all kinds
of things and stuff, wild stuff, computers, chips, all kinds of gadgets
and artificial, man made, fake stuff, plastic stuff, stuff that is not
"Natural", that is not "genuine" and so forth, I like fake, I like
artificial, I can't stand nature and this fairy land worshipping of
Nature and such: we should all be loving how much of our crap we shove
down her throat, we should enjoy, pure pleasure to know how we are
beating "her" up, showing "her" who the boss is, you can do it man,
don't be shy, god gives you permission, do it man just do it, first gear
its all right, second gear hold on tight, third gear you're out of
sight! so groovy, man, sock it to me, man, groovy!
And imagine
how many new and cool car models there will be in the future, with
10,000 trillion cars there will be billions of new car models,
oldsmobile 98s, giant sized cars, microcars, ant sized cars, huge cars,
all kinds of cars, luxury cars, giant rolls royces, all kinds of car
models, all kinds of new and wicked dash boards, all kinds of replicas
of 1967 Chrysler Imperials and such, so damn cool! I will have so much
fun, just like a baby, just like an idiot, who cares, I have no
obligation to anything or any idea or any model, I just need to satisfy
my pleasure, and my pleasure is in seeing all kinds of stuff shoved down
Nature's throat, and all the fundamentalist nature lovers lose and lose
badly, I hope they suffer greatly for their loss, I win, we won, the
nature killers win so there, I got you back, I got you all back, so
cool, I win, I win, just like a little baby, I always win, I am so glad I
have remained a little idiot baby who can always win, who wins always, I
am god, you all have to respect some kind of morality and values, I
kill values and morality, I am the god who took god's place, god gives
you permission and such. There should be an eco terrorist movement that
does the opposite of what green peace and nature lovers do and namely
poison the environment as much as possible, kill nature, drop bombs,
make the environment totally no longer inhabitable, so cool and such.
don't read this as sarcasm or as some kind of counter exaggeration, I
really mean it, I love fake and plastic and am totally fed up with all
of this environmental crap and losers and go back to the land and become
farmers crap and such, we must go forward and such.
But the real
kicker is to calculate how many homes will have been built by then: now
maybe we build a million homes worldwide every year (probably a lot
more) so that is 100 million square meters of land grabbed away from
Nature for our pleasure and such. Now in a million years we will have
completely saturated the land of the earth with houses, structures,
malls, big box malls, skyscrapers and such, so damn cool ! so imagine
how saturated the earth will be with things, cars and houses and
factories and malls and highways and airports and so forth, imagine an
earth completely drowned in our crap, so damn cool! That's the way I
like it!
So the limits of economic growth are in how much stuff
we can produce and how much room we have to put it all in, of course we
can go underground (500 miles underground full of cars and robots and
computers and all kinds of wicked cool stuff) and build ever higher and
that is what we will do, and go to other planets and such, and that is
what we will do, since if we remained on earth, Economic Growth would
finally end structurally as there would no longer be any room to grow
and such: so that is why we need to go to Mars and beyond, we need
trillions of rockets, we need to colonize the galaxy, automatic
production and build ever more, render all fake and artificial and win
the war against nature once and for all, show Nature who the boss is,
you can do it man, shpacck a lacck shpacc a lacc a shlacc a shpacc,
subaru subvaru subaru r ur u shappc...
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