Thursday, February 28, 2013

Be a Farmer Again ?

From: ... ent-676373

6:16 "We've lost the work ethic AND the skills to work complex manufacturing jobs. "

Be a Farmer Again ?

There will always be something wrong with workers: first they brainwashed a few generations of kids that they had to "study", go to college, that manufacturing was not the way to go, only to stab them all in the back a few decades later saying no, we were wrong, now you don't have the right skill sets and such. First make everyone do A and then all of a sudden ask for B, or make them do B and such: and then the entire thing of college and education was because a population went from being mostly farmers to being industry workers and then service workers, in just a few decades (from 1900 to 1980), a huge change in types of jobs, hence from the starting point of being farmers and workers in industry, the only way up was to study and use the brain, the intelligence stuff (there wer only a minority of people with high school education and even fewer with degrees in 1900, 1920 and such), (and also the farmers and uneducated workers looked at awe at the college graduates, imagining who knows how much they know (what special skill set in using their brains they had), how much value education had and so forth, the myth of working with your brains instead of your hands, the Information Worker Myth and such, it is an old myth that came about a hundred years ago by farmers believing in this myth, and the myth was true up until a few years ago, now the myth is expired) the services and high tech stuff and such: only that now that game is over, now the economy doesn't really need anyone anymore, neither farmers, nor blue collar workers nor information workers with college degrees (even though they will always blame you for some fault, maybe you need that PHD ? maybe you need to get retrained in something new and so forth, a never ending list of excuses on why the economy can't absorb you, when the truth is simply YOU COST TOO MUCH: I CAN GET THE SAME IF EVEN BETTER LABOR IN VIETNAM FOR ONE TENTH YOUR PAY LEVEL, END OF STORY.

Exactly because work is no longer needed, an optional, exactly because most work today consists of working against other people, fighting, lawyers, contentions, office politics, marketing, selling and trying to brainwash people on loads of BS, constant change for change sakes, nothing serialized or accumulating (such as huge High Speed Train Projects, Rockets to Mars and such), just a bunch of petty little fights, all little startups thinking that they will strike it rich and such, the very value of work and people working is optional, can be any value you can brainwash yourself and other people they have: hence how easy it is to fire a few thousand workers from banks, obviously their work was worth zero, or it instantly changed value, from being a paycheck to zero, all of a sudden and such.

People and Labor and Work today have any value you want it to have, from having no value to infinite value and such, especially if you need that particular worker, a plumber or something that no one knows how to do, but you are in an emergency situation, well then that simple handy work can be worth thousands of dollars and such.

Or maybe the value is another point like event, another single event depending on who is selling what, who is buying what at that very moment in that very place and what the contention (litigation ? fight ?) leads up to: how much the pay for a job is given according to completely quirk, arbitrary and random forces and situations, like being able to sell a house not worth more than 70,000 dollars for 400,000 dollars (like in california and such, and London and such, fake prices of homes only based on how much you can brainwash someone, but also because all the huge accumulation of wealth worldwide in so few hands help pump up property prices all over the world by hiking up the prices, by loading them by saturating a market with their heavy cash, just like in london, all the rich in the world buy there and have helped hike up housing costs and rents and so forth hugely punishing the average joe and such).

Now go on, say the kids don't know how to work "high precision manufacturing" or take Germany as the model (a really unique quirk situation of a country that has always been the top in manufacturing (but a lot of idiotic nincompoop economists discovered Germany only in the last 2 years, wow, what idiots! what did they study ? didn't they study that Germany was a manufacturing giant in the 1930s up to the point to wage a world war against the entire world all by themselves for 5 years ? don't they see that Germany is a real exception to most of the world anyways ?), that has always been amongst the top economies of the world and so forth, and they are seling millions of luxury cars worldwide, now all of a sudden all countries must imitate them - become like them, but weren't we supposed to be like JAPAN a few years back ? or weren't we all supposed to be like Silicon Valley and so forth ? a never ending stream of idiots chanting all the BS imaginable and excuses imaginable to not state the simple truth: THE ECONOMY DOESN'T NEED YOU OR YOUR LABOR AND DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE YOU A SALARY, END OF STORY).

ape thug

lobster jobster

ape thug


lobster jobster

no dice job, jobster lobster...


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